Being Friends?

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Hey Wattpad I know its been awhile, and  I am proud to say that I am done with my college applications! Ha! I apply to 7 schools......... just waiting now :/ soo fingers crossed! I will also be posting more updates on both of my books: Two Unlikely Hearts and So She Dances. So stay tuned for that....coming out soon!! I will be posting new chapters the beginning of every month! I think that's a good wait....yup :p well thanks to everyone out there that's reading my book truly appreciate it! heres the next chappy.......

Chapter 9

Vivian POV

Have you ever felt breathless, heartless....... useless. Like there's a lump, a huge lump stuck in your throat and you cant swallow it down or make it go away with all the water that you drink. Why do I even feel like this? His nothing to me..right? He never showed any signs of affection towards me...even though I taught he was just messing with you Vivian! This is what guys like him do to girls like you! Girls who fall in love with the little words of kindness that they say, the sweet gestures that they do. You think that there all meant for you, and for what! To find him the next day making out with his girlfriend!

But Mason never has a girlfriend.. I mean I never heard him being tied down with someone. But he still has lovers,girls crawling at his feet, that with one snap of his fingers he can get any one of them in his bed.

The tears were coming back again and this time harder imaging the great Mason with other girls. Why does it hurt? Why does love hurt! love?  No I cant be! Then why does it hurt Vivian? Why is it that you got so jealous when you saw the girl kiss him? I am not jealous! That heartless jerk!! and why am I talking to myself!

 ugh I let a big sigh when I fell to my bed, still little trader tears falling down. "Vivian?"

I stood up and wiped the tears away, "yes mom." my voice was cracking and it sounded sore. I couldn't look at her because I knew she would try to lecture me and I really don't want to talk to anyone. "You have a visitor Vivi,"

"Mom I don't want to see anyone right now. I had a shitty da..." When I turned around my mom was gone replaced with the playboy himself. The one boy that caused all these tears to spill, the boy that cause my throat to sound like an old mans.

Neither one of us moved, we just stared at each other. His green eyes had a different feel to them and as he kept on looking at me, surprisingly I didn't feel angry. I know I should, but if he took the time to come out here, then it must be something important.

"I called you several times," Mason said while walking toward me, "I was worried." We were now face to face from each other, and I didn't have it in me to look at him. "Vivian why were you crying?" his hand was then on my cheek, "did someone hurt you?"

I looked up at him and just shook my head no, and pulled away from him, "Why are you here Mason?"

He then let out a huge breath and brought his hand to the back of his head, "Vivian, what you saw in the morning.. with Amelia." Amelia so that's her name, "um she's not my girlfriend." I looked up at him, to see if he was telling the truth or just playing with me. "I don't have girlfriends, well real girlfriends." I noticed that he was getting uncomfortable, the great master was nervous!

"Mason.. I honestly don't care. I wasn't crying over that. If that's what your thinking?" good! Do you think he will buy that and drop this awkward conversation? Something in Mason changed when I said that and his old self was back, oh no.

"Oh then why didn't you answer my phone calls and why were you crying?" He had that stupid smirk in his face that just made him irresistibly.. wait no Vivian!

"I never got any phone calls," I walked over to my bedside table and got my phone, "oh its turned off." When I turned it on I had seven missed calls and five messages from Mason, "Wow desperate much?" I said looking at him with my eye brow lift up.

"Ha no I was just wondering what happened to you... I was bored?" hmm so he only called me because he was bored and needed entertainment? "Anyway why were you crying Vivian?" his smirk was again on his face, "Jealous?"

"What! you wish.. I was crying because.. because," Think Vivian, think, "my fish died." lame excuse wtf Vivian he so not going to believe you. "Your fish died?"

"Yes! Goldie cause he was a goldfish...any who I think its time for you to go," I was pushing him out the door way when he stopped on the door frame and turned around, "Oh no Vivian!" ugh why wont he leave!

"I buy your little fish story but I still don't believe you. So I wanna take you out." What? is this guy serious? "I would like to get to know you better." Get to know you better? What is he planning? There's no telling what Mason is thinking, but I have a feeling its nothing good.

"Sure, Saturday?" he smiled at me and nodded. Mason then turned around to walk out the door when all of a sudden he turned around again. Seriously what's up with this boy! Why wont he leave my room, and my house! What he did next took me completely off guard. He brought both of his hands to my shoulders and asked me a weird question? "Vivian are we friends?"

I looked up at him with confusion, seriously what is his big head thinking? When I didn't answer he stared moving his hands down my arms slowly. The motion totally threw me off guard but at the same time it felt nice, "Yes, we are friends right?" He just smiled and removed his hands from my arms, for some weird reason I felt cold and weird that his touch wasn't there anymore. "Good, goodnight Vivian."

We were walking down the stairs when Mason asked me, "Vivian where's Edward?" Oh shit he's still in the back of my car! I'm a bad mother!! I ran past Mason and out to my car to grab Edward from the back seat. Behind me I could hear someone laughing and it was Mason cracking up. "Its not funny!"

"No it is! You were that jealous of what happened in the morning that you left Edward. And I'm the bad parent, no darling your the bad parent!"

"Get out of here Mason!" I yelled at him and he just brought his hands up as a surrender position and left on his car. I really am a bad person, huh Mason and I are friends now? Who would have thought that you can be friends with the enemy. I just hope nothing weird happens?

Hey Guys!! tell me what you taught?? What's going on through Mason's head??? hmmm questions questions??  Vote, Comment, and Share!! Love y'all

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