The Night of Halloween

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Chapter 12

Vivian POV

The whole idea of Ashley and Dawson was still running through my head even though it's been a week. If she was having an affair then what about Jake? I need to get to the bottom of this. Oh Ash I hope you are not doing anything stupid.


Hey what are you doing tonight?

Believe it or not I'm debating about doing the time honored tradition of egging your school on Halloween.

That's tonight? Hey if you are going... Can I come, promise not to ruin the surprise.

He wants to come along ? How would he do that and who's going to watch the baby ...

Ps the baby is with Shelby feed and changed (:

It's like you read my mind lol meet me at my house in 10?

Actually... Do not freak out but I'm already in front of your house (:

ps not being a stalker


I looked outside my window and behold the prince with his chariot. Yeah right not a stalker.. I waved at him and gave him the sign of 5 mins. Truth to be told I loved hanging out with the rich boy. With me he wasn't arrogant or stuck up like the rest of his classmates.

Going down the stairs I yelled back to my parents goodbye. Exiting the house I was welcomed with Mason's iconic smile.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to come, you know we are going to mess up your school." Mason opened the passenger seat for me while I stepped in.
"I'm getting ready, I want to be safe so I don't step in any booby-traps"

"Ahh okay"  we then drove off to Royal Collin Wood. Upon arriving Mason parked somewhere in the back of an empty parking lot. It then struck me that a Royal couldn't be inside while everyone else was inside working there pranks. I looked at him and snorted out a chuckle, "Mason you can't come inside looking like, Mason."

"Don't worry I am going to sneak through the back. Meet me by the auditorium." Mason started getting out of his car when I grabbed hold of his hand, "wait! Where is that?"

He smiled at me and got closer to my face. He seriously needs to stop doing this. "When you enter just look at the map next to the elevator. See you"

He then got out and ran to the back of the school. Why do I feel like we are doing something illegal? Yet to him I bet it felt like he was James Bond. Yup I bet he's singing a theme song or something.

I then got out of the car and walked inside. I can never get tired of this school it's absolutely amazing! Being greeted by the grand entrance, the smell of polished floors-makes me sad to see what the Anderson clan will do it. 

"Hey Vivian is here." Someone whispered from the left of me when I entered the grand Royal Collin Wood. I looked and was welcomed to some familiar faces of Anderson. A question kept ringing in my head when I looked at almost all the senior class getting ready for the prank. 

"How come an alarm didn't go off or anything? No watch dogs or security?" Jake then spoke, "That is a well kept secret, and don't worry the security guard is an old man knocked out in the far end of the school. We have two guys on watch for him." He then turned to the rest of the seniors, "alright guys this is the plan, we attach the gym, the south hallway, the fountain, and the outdoor patio. Hit them where it hurts." Everyone nodded in agreement, then Jake started breaking everyone into teams. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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