We love the same....Movie?

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Chapter 7

Vivian POV

"Okay this is my house." Yup Mason of Lexington, the prince of Royal Collinwood Academy is at my house. Ha how many girls do you think would kill to be me right now? I gave Mason my address and told him to come by 8, and he came exactly 5 minutes before. So now his standing in my living room, looking......Flabbergasted? Yea I just learned a knew word today.

"Wow? its...small?" Mason said, he was wearing another button up shirt colored blue, it looked really good on him, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to....." His cheeks turned pink and I realized that he was probably embarrassed ,"can I have a tour?" I laughed at his quick change of conversation. "Okay well this is the living room. No foyer I'm sorry."

"And no big pool in the center of the house?" he asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow mocking what I said about his pond in the middle of his foyer. "Cute looks confortable...really cozy. Your mother has an excellent taste in furniture."

"Oh why thank you and who might this charming young man be?" my mother said as she came from the kitchen. "Oh mother this is...."

"Please Vivian let me introduce myself to my mother-in-law. I am Mason of Lexington, and your daughter and I are married and raising a child." I then punched Mason on his left arm for saying that, "we are not really married moms."

"No I know, but it is a pleasure to have you here Mason. Will you be staying for dinner?" I forgot to tell my mom that I invited him for dinner.

"Well Mrs. Wright that's why I'm here?" he said looking at me like-I-wasn't-invited face or you-didn't-tell-her? "Yea moms I forgot to tell you that I invited Mason for diner."

"Well then excellent! I'll put another plate for my new son-in-law."

"Mother!" she then left back to the kitchen with a suspicions smirk on her face, "come on I'll show you the rest of the house." I showed him all of downstairs, which was your basic living room, dinning room, kitchen, and my dads small office. Along the tour I noticed he had plastered on his face this big smile, the same smile that he had when he was flying the kite yesterday. We then headed upstairs and during the walk he kept on looking at mine and my little brothers baby pictures, "You have a brother?"

"Yea his 15, that's Dylan." I said pointing him out in our family picture. He leaned in closer to take a closer look at it, "you have such a beautiful family. Ha look, you look so cute in this picture." I looked at the picture that he was looking at and it was a picture of me when I was 10 hugging a tree, "My mother loves taking pictures of us. That one was taken on Easter Sunday," that grin hasn't disappeared his face and he seemed so surprised and amazed by the pictures. It was like my family pictures where the paints of Leonardo Da vinci or Michelangelo, "Come on ill show you my room."

He then followed me to my room and when he entered his face didn't look disgusted or disappointed, but amazed, "What's with that face? Have you ever seen a girl's room?" He was look around the room when he said, "Honestly no, this is the first time I've ever......what you like One Direction?"

"I think there okay, but my love for them is going away," Mason then looks at with a funny disgusted face, he was sticking his tongue out, "hey there better than Justin Bieber." I then stick my tongue out at him, he has to agree with me unless he like Justin Bieber?

"Well I don't think so....?" seriously he like Justin Bieber?? "I think they are just a couple of miniature Justin Biebers." I then let out a laugh and we just start breaking into laughter. I then see his eyes looking at my bed Edward was sleeping there, "his sleeping, we should be more quiet." I said still laugh.

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