Every Little Thing

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"So what happened with you and Ryder?" Jake says as he sits in the booth across from Marley at Breadstix. They left the dance before others and saw that Breadstix was open.
"It's nothing to worry about." Marley says, looking down at the table as she fiddles with the napkin.
Jake reaches his left hand across the table to put it on her hands, "Well it's messing with you and as your boyfriend, it's a worry to me."
Marley sighs and looks him in the eyes, "Ryder tried to kiss me."
Jake pulls his hands back and clenches his fist on the table, "I thought he didn't love you anymore."
"I was wrong. I pushed him away and walked off. As soon as I saw you and we hugged, I could see Ryder regretting his mistake." Marley explains.
Jake sighs and relaxes.
"Promise me one thing, Jake; you won't hurt him." Marley says.
"Why? Do you love him?" Jake asks.
"Yes," Marley says as Jake looks angry again, "But as a brother."
Jake relaxes and reaches across the table to grab her hand again.
"I love you, Marley. Don't you forget that." Jake says.
"I love you too, Jake. I love you more than anything in the world." Marley says.
Jake lifts her hand in his to his lips and kisses it softly.


On the Saturday, Rachel is the first one up to get the mail. She walks outside in her dressing gown and gets the letters from the letterbox. Her dads' are on a work trip so it's just her, Mercedes and Santana (A/N: Reminder that a while back, I said that Marley's mom is the cafeteria lady at McKinley so Marley lives with her mom).
She returns inside then flicks through the mail as she walks into the dining room. Bill, rubbish, bill, bill, letter for Leroy Berry and a letter for her. It has a NYADA emblem on it. She raises an eyebrow as she sits at the dining table.
"Hey Rachel." A voice says, entering the dining room. It's Santana followed by Mercedes. Rachel must've been so distracted, she didn't hear her them come down the stairs.
"What's that?" Mercedes asks, pointing at the letter in Rachel's hands.
"It's a NYADA letter but I didn't apply." Rachel says.
Mercedes and Santana share a mildly happy look then look at Rachel. They say in unison, "Open it." They sit at the dining table across from Rachel.
Rachel opens the letter slowly, feeling the eyes of Santana and Mercedes on her as she does. Rachel scans over the letter after she takes it out of the envelope.
"What does it say?" Mercedes asks.
Rachel looks from the letter to her friends, "I'm a finalist for NYADA. I have an audition for the school before Nationals. Well, that's if we make it to Nationals."
"That's great." Santana says with a smile.
"But I can't do it. I'm staying here with you girls." Rachel says, folding the letter up and putting it down on the table.
"NYADA is your dream, Rach." Mercedes says.
"Was my dream." Rachel says.
"It was your dream." Mercedes says.
"You told us how much you dreamt of going there during our last tour while we were in the big apple." Santana says.
"That was when I was younger. I'm older. You guys are part of my dream." Rachel says.
"We told NYADA about that in the letter we sent. We said that you can only attend for a year then you have to come back to Little Mix." Santana says.
"What about Finn?" Rachel asks.
"He fully supports you as long as you support his dream." Santana says.
"What's his dream?" Rachel asks, raising an eyebrow.
"You'll have to ask him about that since he didn't tell us." Mercedes says.
"If I get in, I don't want to be alone in New York." Rachel says, looking back down at the folded NYADA letter.
"Kurt and Blaine also are finalists for the school." Mercedes says.
"So you won't be alone." Santana says.
Rachel sighs and gets out of her seat, "I have to get dressed and go talk to Finn." She rushes out of the dining room.
"Good luck!" Santana shouts out.


Finn sits on the couch in his usual polo shirt and jeans, watching some crap reality show that Kurt's really into. He'll never really admit it but he's kind of into this reality show; it's about some famous sisters who all have a name beginning with K and they have this crazy mom-ager and athletic step dad.
The guys can never know about this, he thinks to himself.
There's a knock at the door and Finn gets up to get it. He opens it with a small smile and sees Rachel with a sort of smile on her face.
"Hey." Finn says.
"Hey," Rachel says, "Can we talk?"
"Yeah." Finn says and steps out of the way for her to come in.
Rachel walks in and Finn leads her up to his room after closing the door after her. She takes a seat on his bed and Finn sits on his desk chair in front of her.
"What's up?" Finn asks with his signature half smirk.
"I got into NYADA. I'm a finalist." Rachel says.
Finn smiles wider, "That's amazing."
"Yeah it is." Rachel says.
"Why aren't you smiling though?" Finn asks.
"Because you guys did this behind my back."
"Actually, the entire Glee Club did since we want you to go the school of your dreams."
"But my dreams are Little Mix and you."
"I have my own dream though."
"What is it?"
"I want to join the army."
Rachel's eyes widen and she feels the need to cry, "What?" Her voice is shaking.
"My dad was a hero in the army. He died in the army and I want to make him proud and fight the war he couldn't."
"But you could die!" Rachel protest, raising her voice.
"I promise you I'll keep safe."
Rachel doesn't speak. She gets up and goes to leave the room.
"I'm sorry, Finn but I don't support your decision." Rachel says and leaves the room.

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