Maybe This Christmas

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"Christmas is a week away so we will be singing Christmas songs." Will says.

"Do they have to be traditional?" Ryder asks.

"No." Will says.

"Why don't I start this?" Santana asks, getting out of her seat wearing her new Cheerios uniform. Santana says something to the band then she stands in the centre of the choir room and begins to perform the song.

Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me

I've been an awful good girl

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

She takes Brittany's hand and two dance in the centre of the choir room to Santana singing along.

Santa baby, an out-of-space convertible too, light blue

I'll wait up for you dear

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Think of all the fun I've missed

Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed

Next year I could be oh so good

If you'd check off my Christmas list

Boo doo bee doo

Santa honey, I wanna yacht and really that's not a lot

I've been an angel all year

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Santana spins Brittany and Brittany lands in her own seat. Santana just sings through the seats.

Santa cutie, there's one thing I really do need, the deed

To a platinum mine

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Santa baby, I'm filling my stocking with a duplex, and checks

Sign your 'X' on the line

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

She returns to the choir room floor to face everyone.

Come and trim my Christmas tree

With some decorations bought at Tiffany's

I really do believe in you

Let's see if you believe in me

Boo doo bee doo

She sits on the piano and sings the last parts of the song.

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring

I don't mean a phone

Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Hurry down the chimney tonight

Hurry down the chimney tonight

"So good, San." Brittany says, getting out of her seat to give her girlfriend a kiss as the rest of the club clap for Santana.


"How's the specialist going?' Ryder asks Marley as they walk down the hall. They're good friends and they have the same class together next period.

Anything Could Happen - Little (Glee) Mix Sequel (CANCELLED. SORRY)Where stories live. Discover now