Chapter Six

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My messenger entered the throne room obviously out of breath.

"Lord, Zalgo. The White Queen is coming to discuss something about a Cheshire interacting with some of the pastas. She will probably arrive in a few days." He said out of breath.

"Ok, begin to prepare for her arrival. Also call up Slenderman, tell him that he will need to bring everyone in his mansion to my castle sometime in a few days." He ran off to deliver the message. I wonder what the Queen would need with a run-away Cheshire. I guess all I can do is prepare and wait.

~•Time Skip to the Meeting•~

The White Queen arrived with a few others. They looked a little distressed. I had tea set out for them since I knew they enjoyed it. The Queen didn't even drink a sip yet, she just continued to mix it with a severed finger. I always admired how she was cruel in the most innocent way.

"Why don't we begin the meeting for now. What seems to be the problem, you seem quite distressed?"

"There's a lot going on in Wonderland and I have a feeling that Madelyn may be able to help."

"What could you possibly need the rouge Chesire for anyway?" She opened her mouth to respond, but the door opened and in came one if my servants announcing that Slender was coming up.

"You needed me and the pastas, Lord Zalgo." Slenderman said, formal as ever.

"Yes, the White Queen seems to be looking for a Cheshire that goes by the name of Madelyn." Just then an angry looking girl with a wide grin and stripped hair. I assumed that she was Madelyn, and it was obvious that she wasn't quite fond that the Queen was looking for her.


Some nerve they have. First they banish my for something that I don't even remember that well, something that I didn't even have control of at the time. Something that I still don't have control over. It's probably for some 'dirty work' that they're too lazy to do themselves.

"Some nerve you people have."I mumbled under my breath in hopes that they didn't hear. "What do you want?" I said with anger and annoyance in my tone.

"Well, first off that is no way to address your Que-" I cut her off right there.

"You? My Queen?" I laughed, "You lost the right to call yourself 'my Queen'," I said emphasizing 'Queen' with sarcasm in my voice. "When you banished me 4 months ago."

"You know what you did"

"You think I could help it? You think I want this?" I said referring to our current situation, "You think I wanted to do that?!? Well guess what, I never asked for that to happen. Heck, I barely remember what did happen!" I was breathing heavily and by now everyone could sense that I was about to explode. When it cane to my emotions I was never stable, of course there were times when I would be alright. But I was never stable.

"Why don't you calm down and we can continue this then?" Masky said putting a hand on my shoulder in attempt to calm me.

"No, I will not calm down. I was thrown from my home and ridiculed by the people I once called my family over some event that I can't even remember. And better yet I can't even control it, heck, I don't even know if it can be controlled." By now I was crying and shaking with anger, I hate this, I was so confused. And I have no idea what to do. It was coming, I could feel it. If I didn't leave now I might end up hurting my new friends, at least I hope I can call them my friends because right now I don't even know who I can trust. But, they still shouldn't have to deal with me when I'm like that.

So, I turned and left. I could here them calling my name, but I knew that if I turned back now I wouldn't make it in time. I ran as fast as I could trying to find some sort of way to the Overworld.

When I found one I quickly opened it a went through. I could already feel myself losing control. I started to see black spots, and before I knew it, I was gone.


When I came to I was leaning on a tree. Thats when I realized that I was covered in blood, again. The madness is always so calm after these, I can't even here the voices. But even after knowing what would happen, and having it happen on multiple times you'd think I would eventually get used to it or at least the sadness would lessen. It never did. Not once. So I did what I did last time, and the time before that, snd all the times before that. I cried, I had no idea how to control it. But what scared me the most is I never truly see what I do, yet I know exactly what it is.

I try to stay composed and not losing myself too much, but after these blackouts I always seem to lose it. I always seem to realize the true danger I'm in. And it's terrifying, knowing that any second I could lose control, whether it be the madness or the blackouts, and not even knowing if I'll be able to take control again. 

After I composed myself I cleaned off using the madness to be rid of the blood and
Clean my clothes. I guess It's time to go back now. I hope I won't be banished from this place too. I hope they'll at least listen to me.

So I started on my journey home. As the voices started to speak, scared that I may have to leave my 'plan to make friends' and worried about where I might have to go next.  But one though managed to sneak it's way into my mind.

What did the Queen who didn't want me, possibly need me for?


Hey guys I just got back about half an hour ago, and I'm taking a little break from unpacking to finish this chapter. I'll hopefully update either tomorrow or the day after 'cause I have a lot of ideas for this. Hope you enjoyed it, and that's pretty much all I have to say.


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