Chapter Ten

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We got to Mrs. Holtz's room about ten-ish minutes late. Rachel knocked on the door and a woman who looked to be in her twenties opened it. "Rachel, what are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"Oh, Mr. Johnston said I could show Maddie to your room. It's her first day and she got lost on her way here." Rachel said, while I was blushing in the background from embarrassment.

"Well, thank you, you can head back to class now. I was wondering where my new student was." She said to Rachel before she left. Then Mrs. Holtz turned to me, "Well, come on in, I'll introduce you to the class." She said in a nice tone as she stepped aside so I could walk in.

"Well, class, this is out new student Maddie White," yes, I used the White Queen's last name as mine since I practically lived with her for all my life, "please be nice to her and treat her as a friend. I gave a smile and shyly waved to them. I'm usually excited and such, but I always get nervous when I'm around a large group of humans. "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, Maddie?" Mrs. Holtz asked.

"Well, I'm and only child. I was homeschooled for the majority of my life, I recently moved here and started public school. My favorite color is blue, and my favorite food is watermelon. And when I grow up I want to become a photographer." I said with a little confidence in my voice. Technically I wasn't lying, but I also wasn't telling them the truth.

"Thank you Maddie. You may go and take a seat next to Gavin." She said motioning to the guy in a , what looked to be, a baseball shirt. He had brow hair and green eyes. He looked nice, maybe we could be friends, then I would have two friends. "Ok, class today you will be writing a short story an any topic. Be sure it's between one thousand and two thousand words. You can go over, but not too much. You can't go under though." I already know what I want to write about. "Also when you're done share it with the person sitting next to you, so they can read it over before your submit it to me."

We all got chrome books and Mrs. Holtz helped me sign in. I got started and typed away. It was pretty easy since I was basically writing about who I really am. It was only how I was banished, the madness, walking and surviving for the first few days, then I made up that she found a new home. I tapped Gavin's shoulder, "How do I share this to you?"

"Here let me show you." He said and showed me how to share it and turn it in and a few other things too. "There." He said said after he shared it for me, and handed it back. I wasn't to sure on what to do, so I read it over looking for mistakes and fixing ones I found.

After a minute or so, I got his story and started to read it. It was some horror story about a group of friends who go on a camping trip and only one makes it out alive. Once I was done reading I went back to mine and read over his comments after making a few of mine on his. I turned it in and started doodling in my note book until Mrs. Holtz told us we could talk for the rest of class since that's all she had planned for us today. I took out my schedule and looked at it, I had Mr. Edwards next. I tapped on his shoulder Andrew asked, "Do you know where Mr. Edwards' class is?"

"Yeah, but I don't have him until seventh period. I can ask i f my sister Jessica could take you thought?" He asked, motioning to a girl with wavy-ish dirty blonde hair.

"Sure that'd be great." I said. He turned and asked if she could take me. Luckily she said yes. We all got packed and left as the bell rang.

"Hey." Jessica said starting the conversation.


"So," she began, "do you like my brother?" She asked.

"Yeah, I even think we're friends." I said smiling. By the look on her face, I could she was confused.

"No, I mean like, like-like my brother."

"I don't understand." I said. I wonder what she's talking about?

"I mean do you love my brother?" Oh, now I get it.

"No, why would I. I mean he's nice and all, but I just met him. For all I know he could half giraffe." I said, and she started laughing.

Once she stopped laughing she said "You're funny. But I mean mo-" she was interrupted when we got there right before the bell rang. "Never mind, I'll tell you later."

I took an empty seat next to her. The teacher called role and I introduced myself pretty much the same way as last time.


Sorry for the late update. I've been having a hard time managing my time so I'm going to start putting the date that I publish each chapter before each A/N to hopefully help. That all I have for now so until next time, bye.


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