Chapter Eleven

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"Today we will be having a test on converting percents and fractions, as you all should know. Maddie, if you would like to read a book or something you may, just something quiet and not distracting." He said.

"No thanks, I think I'll be fine taking the test." I said with confidence. Most of the math that the White Queen uses is from here.

"Ok then, I will pass out the test. You may begin when you get it when you are done you may do something quietly. Then once everyone is done you may talk quietly."

I looked around the room as he passed the test out, some of the other students were looking at the paper like it was severed head or something. I eventually got mine, and it didn't look too hard. Well, I guess that I use percentages a lot more with the potions and such.

I got it finished pretty quickly, so I started to draw. I was pretty good, but I couldn't really get hands right, or draw the second eye to well. I was good at drawing designs though like the ones people would use as wallpapers, but without any people. I was almost done with this one when the teacher said we could begin talking.

Jessica tapped on my shoulder. "Hey whatcha drawin'?"

"Just some design."

"It's really good."


"Anyway about the whole 'Do you love my brother?' thing. It's just that most girls here have a crush on him. And he being my idiotic brother is oblivious to it all." She said as I finish the design and turned to her.

"He seems pretty smart to me."

"He is just not when it comes to that."

"Oh, but I still don't understand why I would be 'in love' with him. I mean, he's not my family, and I barely know him."

"I guess I just kinda jumped to conclusions."

"That's alright." I looked at the clock and saw that there were only a few minutes until the bell rung, "Do you know where the Music room is?" I asked.

"Yeah we have that next with my brother and his friend, Alex, I'll show you where it is."

"Thanks." The bell rung just as we finished.

We got to the music room and I sat with Jessica, Gavin and Gavin's friend. And class was pretty normal.

The rest of the day went on normally, and now it was the end. I was talking with Jessica and her friends when she invited us to her house to hang out and do our homework. I agreed and asked if Jessica could have her mom or dad take me. So I was riding with Jessica, Gavin, and their mom to their house.

We were all talking and I found out that since Gavin is having friends over, Jessica is allowed to have friends over too.

~•Mad Hatter•~
(1 1/2 Weeks Later)

"Where could she have gone? We know she took a rabbit hole. Be have you found any trace of her?" The White Queen rambled as Ben crawled out of the computer.

"All I've got was a list of over a hundred thousand Maddies or Madelyns."

"Can you narrow it down to all the ones between the ages of twelve and fourteen since those are the ages she usually uses."

"Ok" Ben said, then disappeared back into the laptop.

"We need to find her before the core completely breaks. How long does she even need to cool down?" Victoria (A/N I'm just going to call her Victoria since The White Queen sounds weird in some cases) rambled as she continued to pace back and forth.

"Maybe she's trying to hide from us." I suggested. It could be true. I mean we did banish her from her home without a second thought. Wow, saying like that makes me feel even more like we're the bad guys.

"I have ten thousand now. But I've also found that about thirty of them have the last name of 'White'." Ben said.

"We'll check those names first since we never knew her real last name, and anything she had to sign she always used my last name."

"Ok, I can send out some of my proxies" Slenderman spoke up.

"Ok, and I can have Hatter, Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle Dum look they were the closest to her, and she's probably less likely to run away from them." Victoria said, sadness in her voice as she said the part. I feel bad for her, she thought of herself as Maddie's mother and vise versa. We agreed to the plan and got ready.

Despite being idiots, the humans were quite powerful. Only if the used it on something useful instead of having silly fights over practically nothing. 

Ben got all the info he could find on those people and each gave us everything we needed. Victoria is resting since we all said that she needed sleep. She's been stressed about the Kingdom, and Maddie for the past week and a half.

~•Time Skip Next Day•~

We were all prepared and got fake names and made ourselves appear human. We got some money incase we needed it, and each wonderlander going into the Overworld got a special necklace that would regulate our madness levels so we could focus more on the mission. Then after checking to make sure we hand everything we needed, we left to the Overworld.


Sorry for such a long wait, a bug did something that erased all of my work, but didn't change the published chapters. So I spent most of the time trying to fix that, I did, but sadly I had to rewrite this chapter from memory. That's all right now, so until next time, bye.


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