Chapter Five

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I wonder what was going on with their ears. I mean I'm perfectly fine, so I assume that it's like a special sound only they can hear. That or I passed out again, and this is all another hallucination.

Probably not because if it was this would be the most sane one I've ever had.

"What is going on?!?"

A loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts before I could get too lost. I almost instantly recognize his voice.

Before I answer his question, I need to get one thing clear. "Are you this 'Slender' person?"

"Yes, I am. And who might you be? What were you doing in my forest? And what did you do to me, because I can't control the static anymore?"

"Well, first off I'm Madelyn, but you may call me Maddie. Secondly, That's where I ended up after they kicked me out. Lastly I nearly destroyed your mental sate, so it might take a while for it to rebuild itself."

"How exactly did you 'almost destroy my mental sate of mind'?"

"Well, to sum it up, I pretty much plagued your mind with paranoia, mysterious voices, random figures, and anything else like that you could really think of."

"And why should I believe you, for all I know you could be lying, and I would have no idea."

"Can't you read her mind like you could do with all of us?" Masky said struggling to talk and stand, I guess that what happened earlier was still affecting him, and the rest of them. I wonder what other people think of what goes on in my mind. Eh, they probably wouldn't be able to think after seeing whats in my mind. Hahahah, I'm hilarious.

"Well, something seems to be blocking me from me from her mind."

"Like I told you, I plagued your mind with madness. To be specific the madness in MY mind. Which I learned will break down the metal state of almost anything living, but I guess I got use to it. You know having to live with it my whole life and all." I replied like it was nothing. It actually is very entertaining watching them react to what I was saying. It's like they never heard of anything like this at all.

"How about this, once I gain control of all this I will talk to you, for now just get comfortable until this is all under control."

"Ok." With that I went up to the room Masky told me that I could say about.

~•Third Person•~

A bright cylinder shaped room that seemed to have no ceiling and no bottom, except for the single platform extending to the center where a a crystal stay floating (top/side picture). The walls never seemed to stay the same, but at the same time you would never notice the change.

A woman pale as can be, cloaked in all pure white walked over the seemingly floating platform, as it appeared to be falling apart. She knew not to trust her eyes because after all everything and everyone will always have some secret to hide, for if anyone else knew, well the outcome may be fatal in one way or another.

Approached the crystal trying her hardest not to give in. The crystal seemed to be constantly breaking and rebuilding itself. Until one small part did not rebuild, but instead fell. Leaving a wave to course through Wonderland. Taking away a small part of the madness imbedded deep within the physical, and spiritual form of the insane place.

Everyone could feel it, and only a few understood it. For those more connected to the land it felt a lot stronger than just a small prick. But more like a paper cut, not too severe, but a stinging pain that last for a while.

For those who did know rushed towards the white castle. Fearing what is to come, hoping it's not true.

~•White Queen•~

(A/N Oooh, bet you didn't expect this, who am I kidding you all knew this was coming.)

I paced back and forth in my throne room. I already knew the others were coming, I knew they all felt it, they had to. Even if it wasn't much, it was enough to know.

"I felt it. What's happening? Will everything be alright? How will we fix it? Can we fix it? Oh my, oh my, I'm going to be so late for tea." The March Hare always in a rush.

"My Queen." The Mad Hatter. Always formal, he's actually mellowed down a little, after that whole ordeal with Alice. I gave him a small curtsy in return.

"Why, my queen. Don't you look lovely this evening." Chesire Cat. Always, mysterious, if I do say so myself.

"Yes it is, and Hare. Your questions will be answered once the rest of them get here.

~•Time Skip brought to you by laziness•~

One everyone arrived, I got straight to business.

"We all know what's happening, so does anyone have any idea on how to fix it?"

"Well since it's made out of pure madness we could always borrow some from other dimensions." Hatter suggests.

"Even if we did do that, would we even have enough time to harvest it, and create a knew crystal?" Chesire counters.

"He does have a point and we all know how much madness truly lies within Wonderland." I say. I actually find it quite scary and amazing that it all is controlled here, well for the most part.

"We can just go to her." The Caterpillar to (A/N If he has a more specific name please tell me so I can fix it) suggests. We all turn and stare at him as the room goes silent.

"We all know what she did and is probably still doing. And even if we went to her what we did is done." I said.

"How do we even know she will help us." Chesire chimes in. A few hums in agreement sound within the room.

"This is still her home, whether she accepts it or not. She has to want to help, it's still her home." Hatter speaks up. I feel bad for him. He always was the closest to her, even if they didn't get much time together.

"I guess there's only one way. But we still need a plan. I've heard word that she's interacting with some of the half-demons in the over-world. I'll have to schedule a meeting with Lord Zalgo to discuss this." I called in a messenger to notify The Demon King of my visit. After all...

"I will do anything to keep my kingdom, my home, from falling apart."


So now we're getting into the action-y part. I made this chapter a little longer since tomorrow I'm leaving to Florida with my friend. I don't get to see her much, and I'm really happy we were able to get together for a week. I won't be able to update, but I'll try to write as much as I can. Without being caught by my friend who doesn't even know of this. And the last thing I need is her to know what I read on here. And if anyone wants to, you can/can you make me a cover. I don't have many notes for it, so just do what I did while making the current one and wing it. Of course you will get credit for the cover and a shoutout thingy, to the bet of my ability and knowledge. Till next time goodnight, good morning, and good evening. 


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