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hey ya all, i am new at this so forgive for my spelling mistakes, yeah i suck at spellings, so pardon world! now enjoy. :)

first chapters will be shit but the story will build up soon. i promise.




"starships were ment to fly"

I hate Nicky in the morning. Seriously who keeps starships as their alarm song?

Well to answer your damn question I do, well in my defense it’s just annoying enough for me to get up fast and shut it.

I stumbled off the bed and down on had cold marble under me with a big THUD, yeah I am clumsy, can you blame me, it’s all genes I tell you, my mom must be clumsy too, well that what dad says.

So you all might be wondering who the hell I am? And what is going on with me?

Well for starters I am a girl, 18, graduated, and up for a year off, name is Katharine, but call me Kat, I know people who watch TVD might be going that bitch Katharine, believe me I went nuts on that bitch too, but she is what makes TVD so worth watching.

Well today is the day where I grow and turn into a woman.

 Yeah funny right I already am, but I am going to wear my big girls panties and stand up for myself, by going to a graduation party. Which is a big thing because I don't usually attened parties.

You see, I was not always at the bottom of the food chain, it happened when I saved a freshman from being humiliated beyond that poor girl could handle. She was just asking for help, asking from where could she get her schedule, but the ‘great pranksters’ thought it would be funny for her to go straight into the janitor closest where Cameron was waiting for her like a lion waiting for its prey.

I felt terrible for her because I know that poor girls would be labeled as the school slut and no one deserves that on the first day of her school.

And so did my decline started, but I held my head high, well most of the times.

You see I am not the most patient person in the world. Now I am going to show those bullies the taste of their own medicine.


That you ask, I myself have no freaking clue but I am going to find out, so stick with me.


OH I am late.

"YEAH PAPPI I AM" I rush to the bathroom for my morning bath and routine.

That is, brushing my teeth and washing my face and putting on some random lotion to moisturize my morning, dryish, skin, you see I am not pale I am slight tan with icy blue eyes and strawberry blond hair.

 I ran into a warm bath, which soothed my muscles, relaxing and comforting me. Then I got out from my bath and wrap my sponge bob bath rope.

 Yeah! I am a kid, so what!

 Wrapping a towel around my hair; I got out and made my way to my closet, then the worst question.

 WHAT TO WEAR? Don’t tell me I am alone in this ‘what to wear?’ Don’t abandon me.

I might be a nerd but still nerds still have to choose their outfits.

 So after throwing tons of clothes, I decided on some tights and a big baggy shirt with a wacky poison mama written on it. I rushed out of my room down stairs to kitchen to see dad sitting on counter reading his news paper drinking coffee.

"Hey pappi, Why so serious?" I said while tapping on the kitchen counter and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Pappi" I asked again while munching, noisily on the apple. He still had his nose in the news paper.

"Mr. parker are you listening to your only family, who has been calling you for hours, are you ignoring me, is that porn hidden in the news paper, are you -"

"Shut up! Oh god what have I created?" my dad said irritated, you see is in his mid forties but quite built, and the best dad ever, well he looks pissed now and tired.

 What? Why? Is he stressed?

"What are wrong PAPPI, did you get another woman pregnant, because the last time you had a loose rubber I was the result, OHHH GOD, CAN SOME ONE GIVE ME A CONDOM AND A BANANA?"I yelled the last part and flapped my hands like a retard chicken.

But all in all I was worried sick, what if that happens, I will have another me, or worst another mother. Uuggbbhh!

" FOR GOD'S SAKE, NOOO!, I am fine go and get going for shopping, Maggie is on her way" oh no I almost forgot yeah shopping with Maggie, that shall be interesting, well you all might be wondering who is magi now? Well she is my bestie and almost my sister, you see she is your typical Blondie, all Barbie type, she can be annoying but I love her to death, after all the problems I faced in high school she has always been there on my side, and I appreciate her and love her.

"Yeah! I am ready and can I borrow some cash, I am kind of running low” I asked sheepishly

"Yeah honey! Sure but be careful, my wallet in on the fridge." He replied with his nose still buried in the news paper.

I rolled my eyes. Men.

I stood on my toes and patted the roof of the fridge in order to search for his wallet and after almost knocking the fridge over I felt the leather of his wallet and pulled it down.

You might be wondering what happened? Well on the last day of high school--


That’s my cue to get the hell out of my house.

I threw the remains of the apple in the trash and turned to where my dad was. Taking his credit card and slipping it into my jeans pocket. I placed the wallet on the counter.

"That will be it my lovely, I will be back with a band, wait for an enormous change pappi" I said with all the seriousness I can possibly pull, I said my goodbyes and screamed I took his credit card and rushed outside like my tail was on fire, while he was shouting be careful.

I ran to her car and jumped in the passenger seat.

“Hallo dolly, up for a change?" she asked jumping with excitement.

"Hell yeah" with that we put the radio on, and volume up, my favorite songs we up and we were practically jumping with excitement, and sticking our tongues to random people, I know, real mature, but we don’t care after all we have been through, it kind of feels like out right, I hope this make over works, and with this last thought I let all my worries and past behind.


So. How was it?






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