Attitude Probz

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-Kenzie's POV

Damn, it's been a couple of days since I last talked to Ray. I been trying to text and call her. I even tweeted her and commented on one of her Instagram pictures. I know she seen the notifications because she been tweeting and stuff.

Today is sunday so it's time for me to go to church. Then after, me and Cameron are going to go out to eat. My parents and I are back talking so I figured it would be time for them to meet Cameron. Cameron is nervous though because my dad is preacher and he's the leader of a gang. So Cameron has been avoiding it. We even got in a argument because he said I been pressuring him too much.

I just didn't press the subject because he seemed pretty angry. He also got all up in my face. It kind of scared me so I just got in my car and went home. He blew up my phone with text messages. I didn't want to answer until the next day though.

I took a shower and did my hygiene stuff, flat ironed my hair and put a purple bow in my hair. Then I put on my purple lace vintage dress. I put on my black pumps with purple spikes on the front. I put on a little bit of mascara and eye liner. My parents were already gone of course so I had to drive myself.

When I got to church the first person I looked for was Rayan and her mom. They looked at me and I looked at them. I just was smiling and walking to them they got up and went to another seat. I was shocked so I just went to go sit by my mom.

My dad preached the sermon and of course me and my parents had to stand in front because everyone wanted to talk to us. I was then shocked when I saw someone I thought I would never see again. This guy named Darius. We used to be the church couple and the outside world couple. We really loved each other, then we broke up because he moved away.

He came up to me and showed me that beautiful smile of his. "Well Well Well! Look who the good lord dropped in" I said smiling. He just smarted laughing and grabbed me for a huge bear hug. Everyone awed at us. Like god truly brought us back together again. We sat down to catch up for a while. Then he put his new number in my phone and left.

I finally looked at my phone and noticed I had 20 missed calls, 15 voice mails, and 5 text messages all from Cameron. I just knew he thought I was going to stand him up.

[ T E X T M E S S A G E S ]






< 1 hour later >

Me: Omg baby I'm so sorry!

Cam: nah save it... so are we going to eat or what?

Me: yeah meet me at the oasis  in like 15 minutes

[ T E X T C O N V O O V E R ]

I felt bad about Cam being mad at me. He just has to understand that I have church duties too. Also ever since that day he stopped at Rayan's house she haven't been talking to me. I wonder what he said to her whenever they were inside the house. and how she got so beat up like that. Whatever I probably don't know the people anyways. It's just good that Cameron and I showed up when we did. i got in my car and headed to the oasis. I waited in the parking lot until I saw Cameron pull up. He parked next to me and when I saw he turned off his car I got out and was ready to go greet him. 

I walked up to his car and as he got out I reached up for a kiss. I was shocked when we just put his hand in my face. He straight dissed me. We walked inside the restaurant and it was so beautiful. It has indoor waterfalls and dimmed lights. We walked up to the front desk and the waitress led us to our table. I saw Cameron checking her out but i didn't say anything. I mean boys will be boys right? We sat down and he still hadn't said anything to me. I couldn't even see his face because the menu was covering it. I finally spoke up and said, "Look Cameron I'm sorry i was late. But I had a valid reason. With me being a preachers daughter I have a lot of responsibilities at church also. People always want to talk to me and I cant be rude and just walk away. You know I wasn't trying to stand you up at all baby..." He put his menu down and picked up his phone. Finally I just got sick of it and I snatched the phone out of his hand. "Baby talk to me." He looked at me with rage in his eyes and yelled, "McKenzie if you ever want to see another sun rise again I suggest you give me my damn phone back and never do that again!" I just looked at him shocked. The whole restaurant got quiet. 

Tears welled up in my eyes and I ran to the restroom. My momma taught me better than to take that kind of talk from a guy. I wiped my eyes and freshened up. Just then, a bunch of girls who looked about my age walked in the bathroom. I'm guessing they saw what happened and just came to be nosey. One of the girls startled me as she put her hand on my shoulder. She said, "You okay girl? You know you don't have to take that right?" I just nodded my head and left the restroom. I walked back to the table and Cameron said, " Baby I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I just don't like when people touch my stuff or take it away from me." I honestly don't know its just something about Cameron that I just can't get enough of. So I forgave him. I mean he said he was sorry... 

We ate our food and everything was back to normal. Cameron was still so apologetic to me though. He kept giving me kisses and told me he was going to make it up to me. It was about 7:00 when we left the oasis. So finally we decided to part ways. Just before I got in the car he gave me a long kiss and I almost melted. I got in my car and drove home. Today was pretty cool, Cameron told me I need to be ready tomorrow by 2:00 because he's picking me up for work. So I better go to sleep...

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