I won't leave you

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The words on the screen sunk in like an anchor on Namjoon's heart. Not being able to speak, let alone sing for someone like Jungkook was a nightmare. The older couldn't believe that it was real. The Maknae paused before turning the screen back around and typing something again. After a few more agonizing seconds, he turned the screen back around, this time it read:

" What if my voice doesn't come back? Will I have to leave Bangtan? What am I going to do? I'm scared hyung..I'm really scared."

Tears began streaming down the younger's cheeks, his eyes locked onto Rap Monster's. They were big and pleading, like a kicked puppy. Not knowing what to do, the leader held Jungkook in his arms tightly, yet gently.

"It's okay, shh" he comforted "I'll help you, alright? I'll stay with you until your voice comes back. I won't leave you, okay? Its going to be just fine." Namjoon didn't know how to feel. He was angry with the doctor's for not telling him, but he was also sad knowing that the Maknae's voice dissappearing was partially his fault. He wasn't sure what he felt, but he didn't care. The only thing he knew for sure was that he would stay by Jungkook's side, no matter how long it took.

He finally released his hold on the younger boy and said gently "I'm going to get the other's now if that's okay with you. They're probably worried sick about you right now, I'll tell them about your..condition so don't worry."

Jungkook nodded slightly and mouthed the words "Thank you" before letting go of the older. Rap Monster turned around, making sure not to look back and left the room. Then he walked to the waiting room where the rest of Bangtan basically ran up to him asking him about the Maknae

"How is he?" asked V, concered for his friend. He was holding onto J-hope's hand tightly, you could tell he was badly distraught by the ordeal. His eyes were tinted red from tears and his shoulders were trembling ever so slightly as he talked.

Namjoon took a deep breath, this was going to be hard to explain "H-he's okay Tae, but.." he gulped "Kookie's lost his voice..he can't speak, I'm not sure if it is permanent or not."

The members gasped in unison, they were shocked. Suga, J-hope, and Jin looked suprised, their eyes wide. Jimin and V looked like they had just been shot. Jimin had his hand clapsed over his mouth, while V began tearing up. Rap Monster knew this was going to happen, but there was nothing he could do except watch as BTS slowly shattered in front of him.

"You should go see him..he needs to be around friends right now." said Namjoon as he clenched his fist into a ball. He felt so helpless, and he hated it.

Everyone but Suga took that moment to run to Jungkook's room just as he had a few minutes before. Suga looked at him with concern, he was the only one whom Namjoon told about his feelings for the younger. Of all the members, Rapmon felt most comfortable talking to Yoongi about his personal life. The fellow rapper never judged him when he ranted about his problems. Suga would only quietly listen and give his best advice afterwards. Namjoon always felt better after a good talk with his friend.

"Nam," he mint haired said "what are you going to do now?"

Even though that question sounded straightforward, the leader detected what he really meant "I'm going to stay with him hyung, It's my fault this happened now I'm going to fix it." he replied confidently

Suga grew a smirk on his face as he teased "You've really fallen for our little Kookie, haven't you Nam?"

Rap Monster blushed and hit the hyung on the shoulder "S-shut up! You're one to talk, I've seen how you look at Jimin's ass when he isn't looking."

It was Yoongi's turn to blush now. Just as Namjoon had revealed his feelings with him, the reverse was true as well. For the past few month's, Suga had been eyeing the young Jimin with interest. The rapper found something so charming and cute when the orange-haired younger was around. When Rap Monster found out, he supported Suga's feeling's completely, even going as far as to try and push the two together whoever he could tying to play 'Cupid' with the cute couple.

"J-just take take care of him. I'm going to go with the others now." replied Yoongi as he stomped off in the other direction, curses being muttered under his breath. Namjoon laughed at his response, it was nice to laugh after everything that had recently happened. It didn't last long, however, as he knew he had something to do. Something to ask. He walked towards the nurses desk, a name in mind.
"Excuse me miss," he asked politely "would Dr. Eukwang be available right now?"
She cocked her a head a bit before replying "I think he just went off for break...he should be on his way to the break room down the hallway to the left."
Rap Monster thanked her and excused himself to look for the doctor. He needed to know more about what exactly happened to Jungkook, and the only one with proper answers was the doctor. He quickly walked down the directions he was given, and just as the nurse said Dr.Eukwang was there. Namjoon clenched his teeth, he was still partially pissed that the doctor didn't tell him of the Maknae's condition earlier.
"Hey!" He called out "Explain yourself! Why didn't you tell me?"
Eukwang turned around calmly "What are you talking about?"
This just made the leader even more agitated "You know damn well what I'm talking about. Why didn't you tell me Jungkook had lost his voice?!"
"Oh yes, that," the doctor replied with his hand on his chin "I thought that it would be better that you found that out for yourself. His voice was something I just hadn't thought necessary to mention."
Namjoon ran up to him and held Eukwang up by his coat "Not necessary?! How could you think that not saying something so important about Jungkook to me was okay?!" He was basically yelling now, but he didn't care, he was pissed.
The doctor's face was stone cold, giving no reaction to what the leader did "Who are you?" He asked. When he saw the obviously confused look on Rap Monster's face he asked again "Who are you to the patient? A friend? Relative?"
Namjoon went silent for a few seconds, letting go of the doctor's coat. He had been in a hospital before when his cousin got injured, he would always visit her along with other family members. Her whole class would have come if it weren't for a hospital policy banning it. So the only people who got to visit her at anytime were her family and...
"I'm his boyfriend." He said confidently, looking the doctor straight in the eye "So I have every right to know exactly what's wrong with him."
The doctor met his gaze before explaining "The problem with Jungkook isn't his vocal chords, it's a mental problem, possibly head trauma from the crash. There isn't anyway to determine how long it will last. Sometimes it lasts a few days..weeks...for some people it lasted forever so their isn't any real way to tell when he's going to get it back. Something is his head is causing him so much turmoil that it has literally taken his speech away. So until that internal conflict is resolved, he will remain mute."
This information shocked Namjoon "So, what your saying is that there is a problem...an emotional problem that has troubled him so greatly that his voice has disappeared?" he asked in disbelief.
Eukwang stepped away from him and said bluntly "You wanted answers, and I provided you with them. It's the truth and you need to accept it and focus on helping Jungkook through it. Denial will get you nowhere."
With that, the doctor left the leader and went his own way. Now, Namjoon had found his new mission: "Help Jungkook get his Voice Back"

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