You're Mine..Okay?

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Namjoon blinked his eyes open slowly, sunlight peering down on him through the blinds above. He attempted to stand, but he felt a small tug at his shirt holding him back. He looked down underneath the blanket covers and smiled. Memories of the previous night appeared in his head, Jungkook had been too scared to sleep alone and insisted that he sleep with the older in bed. In fact, the Leader ended up holding the Maknae in his arms as the younger clung to his shirt. The older didn't mind though, and he whispered comforting words to Jungkook until he fell asleep. The boy was currently sound asleep with his face cutely poking out from beneath the covers.

RapMonster could have sworn the younger was an angel sent from heaven. "Jungkook-ah~" said the older gently as he nudged him "Wake up, breakfast time.."

Jungkook groaned and turned around with a shrug. It was almost certainly his silent way of saying "Five more minutes.."

Namjoon sighed..if Jungkook wasn't going to get up..then he would have to make him. A smirk grew on his face as he noticed the younger's lips form a pout from the covers. The Leader leaned down and pecked the soft petals of the Maknae's mouth.

The younger immediately reacted with a girlier-than-he-would-ever-admit sqel and practically jumped out of bed. He grabbed his notebook and pen, scribbling frantically on the pages before turning towards the older "W-what? W-why?! H-h-hyung!!!!"

RapMonster laughed "You're so cute, Kookie. C'mon, everyone else is probably waiting for us downstairs." Jungkook gave a small nod in reply, blush still prominent on his face. Namjoon put on his plain white shirt and walked downstairs. Jin was making pancakes, eggs, and whatever breakfast items you could possibly think of in the kitchen. V and Hobi were deeply engrossed in a Mario Kart race, excitedly bouncing up and down on the floor. Yoongi was reading..well, attempting to read a book as Jimin pestered him on the couch.

"Morning, everyone." muttered the leader with a yawn. Jungkook soon followed behind him as he waved to the members with a bright smile.

V was the first one to notice the duo's arrival. He paused whatever lap of the race they were on (Much to J-Hope's dislike) and waved at them with a smile. "Good Morning, Hyung and Kookie!!" Everyone else in turn gave some form of good morning. Jungkook wrote his reply in his notebook "Good Morning."

Jin smiled and ran to Jungkook, his motherly instincts kicking in (LMFAO) "Jungkook~ah! Are you hungry? I bet that hospital food was horrible...I asked Namjoon to take all those premade lunches I made for you..."

Rapmonster forced an awkward cough to break up the cringe-worthy sight "SeokJin-Hyung..."

The eldest seemed to snap out his 'MotherHen Mode' and released the youngest from his grasp "Ah, sorry. Got a little too carried away there, but in all seriousness I have breakfast ready so feel free to eat as much as you need." with that he carried on with his daily chores. Jungkook happily sat down at the kitchen's island in the center and loaded his plate with pancakes and eggs and began eating. Namjoon did likewise next to him, only he chose to eat the french toast with coffee on the side.

"So..." said the older as he munched on his toast "anything you want to do today, Kookie?"

The younger put down his fork for a moment before writing in his notebook "Hmm...well..there is this movie that came out recently that I've wanted to see..."

Namjoon checked his watch, 12:30, wow, they really had slept in. "If I'm right, there should be movie showings in half an hour...what movie did you want to see?"

Jungkook's face became visibly read as he almost hesitantly replied "Its called...Our Garden of Eden*'s a romantic kind of thing.."

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