The loss of Joseph, and the rise of a knight.

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(Meta was sitting with Joseph. Both were great friends. The two were talking about a woman named garlude.)

Meta laughed. "She's not THAT cute."

"Hey man, its not often you see a girl that has become not just a star warrior, but a respected star commander."

"I admit, she is decent looking, but she is far above you're league."

"Riiiight. O-"


"And I watched them take him..."
Meta knight said this, as a few tears leaked through his mask. "A month later I saw him..."

meta knight awoke from his sleep, he ran from the tent he was stationed in. Right now, he was stationed on aquaris.


He ran forward, waiting to greet his friend, but what he saw was not his friend.

"I've changed meta. And now, you shall too, or die like a pig."

"No..." Meta was stunned. Joseph, one of his few remaning friends, was taken, and defeated by the enemy.

"I will not..." Meta said with depression in his voice.

"Fine." Joseph said this with a cold, emotionless voice. He raised his sword, and monsters soon stormed in. Joseph was their commander.

Everyone rose from their sleep, ready to face the coming battle. Both sides clashed, and after about a minute, meta and Joseph finally met, face to face.

Joseph lunged forward into a thrust, and meta blocked. Meta moved to the side, and jumped into the air, landing behind  Joseph. Meta quickly turned around with a slash, but missed. He decided to try something new. He focused his power into his blade. Once he felt like he had enough, he looked at his sword and saw that it was glowing. He then swung his sword at full speed, and a sword beam emerged. the beam knocked Joseph's sword out of his hand. Meta then ran up, and brought the finishing blow. He sliced into Joseph's back. Joseph fell down without a word. His eyes became a normal shade, and he held out a locket. This held a picture of his son, and a special gem on the front. Meta took this hoping to hold onto this for Joseph's son.
"That is how knuckle Joe's father died. And why is this important to my story of being knighted?
Arthur later had me knighted for my 'bravery and ability to handle the beasts'. That is why you all know me as Meta knight."

(Tiff's pov)

Another story of meta knights that was incredible. She was loving every part of this but one. That one part was of how she finally realized tears coming from under his mask.

"You don't need to tell me any more if you don't want to. I can clearly see that this is very hard for you."

"Tiff, if I didn't tell someone, I would most likely go insane, and suicidal. You are the only person I trust with the stories of my past. Not even sword or blade know of my past."

I can't believe this. Meta knight trusts me over everyone...
Tiff thought this as she started to stand.

"Meta knight, I-"


Both Tiff and meta knight turned, and meta knights eyes were never more red. What they saw was king dedede, and escargoon who just fell through the roof. Escargoon was holding a voice recorder.

I just had to bring king dedede into this. How could I not? For dedede is an a**hole. I need at least one of those in this story.

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