Chapter Seven, Party Time

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Megan's Pov

I walked out of the house feeling outgoing. Kate followed behind.

I turned to look at her, even though she looked very pretty you could tell she wasn't happy.

"You alright ?" I asked

"Peachy." She stated and brushed passed me too the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent.

Once we got to the house I walked away from Kate almost immedetly. I could not stand her bad vibes.

I search around the house for anybody I know. It's was full to the rim.

Finally I saw Eleanor and Louis, but they were fighting.

I walked over to them, "Hi guys" I wave and smile.

Louis looks me up and down almost as if he is checking me out. Eleanor bites her lip.

Louis's face lights up anger like he just solved a murder.

"Is this why you changed costumes Eleanor !? To have to same on as Meg ! This is unbelievable!" Louis shouts in Eleanor's face causing her to smirk.

I look at Eleanor's costume. Louis was right. She took my costume !

"Louis, I am just trying to make a point." She puts her hands on his shoulders. He brushes them off

"And what is that ! You are jealous ?"

Louis Pov

"And what is that ! You are jealous ?" I shouted at Eleanor. She stole the same outfit as Meg ? That's low.

"No babe !" Eleanor looked startled that I would think she would be jealous.

She leaned into my ear and whispered to me. "I want to show you I'm better."

"Not if you are going to be so cruel and rude. You are nothing but a cold hearted bitch. Harry was right about you." I yell at Eleanor an run up the stairs. Eleanor followed me close behind.

Meg's Pov

Wow... I guess I don't know how to make friends.

I was positive Eleanor didn't like me now. And I was positive I couldn't fix why she did hate me.

I mean yea, Louis was a nice. We had a past, but was it really worth getting mixed up with somebody who hates me? I don't even know why she hates me. Maybe I should talk to her ? Yea Megan, give her one of your famous talks, then she will fall into your arms like puddy and Larry will become a real relationship. I snort at myself. Not likely. But what if Eleanor makes Louis stop talking to me again. I couldn't handle that again.

I walked over to the punch bowl and pored myself a glass. I lifted it to my mouth when it was pushed away and scattered acrossed the floor.

"Sorry love, but people tend to spike the punch bowl." An Irish accent filled my ears.

I let out a sigh knowing he was right "I was kinda hoping they did." I muttered to myself.

"Come on, ill take you to get a new drink."

"Can I have alcohol?" I know I don't have to ask, I'm old enough to drink. But then again this isn't my house.

"Sure thing love." Niall grabbed my wrist sending a shock through out me. It might just be that I normally don't get touched by boys.

Once I drank enough Niall and I talked a while about nothing and everything. He was really sweet. But before I knew it I had drowned two beers and was going on my third.

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