Coming to You ~ Chapter 1 ~ Finding You

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"Kayden, stop." I told Kayden who wouldn't let me and Kaitlin, his sister, in the kitchen. Kayden wasn't even worth fighting, I mean he was over six feet tall and three times my body weight of muscle. I'm not the one to deny it, Kayden is freaking hot. With his green eyes, muscluar jaw and neck, and brown short hair, he was beyond gorgeous. Kayden also is next in line to be Alpha of our pack, and is my parent's best friend's son.

"You can't stop me, shrimp." I could feel myself getting red with anger.

"Just because I'm not six foot- whatever doesn't mean you can call me 'shrimp'!" I yelled at him. He's hot, but also extrememly annoying. Kayden is three years older than me, and doesn't let me forget it. He thinks that when parents say, "listen to your parents" means, "Listen to your parents and Jayden". He's made it his job to annoying me ever since we  were kids.

"Whatever you say, shrimp." He said, trying to get me angry. It was working.

"Just let me get my damn apple." I told him, giving up on fighting with him. I refuse to let him get me over the edge. Kayden smiles his sexy smile and lets me into his kitchen. I grab me an apple, while Kaitlin punches her brother in the arm. Even with werewolf strength, it doesn't faze Kayden. Not with those huge arms of his, being a football player really did wonders to your body. He turned his body facing me, and I could feel myself stare at his body. It was so muscular and hot, I was already jealous of his future mate.

"I can't wait till you find your mate, and I get to tell him all the times I've caught you drooling over me." Kayden said, breaking my daydreaming.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked. I really need to stop spacing out from him, one of thesse times he's going to catch me. Kaitlin laughed.

 "I said, I can't wait until you find your mate and I'm allowed to tell him about how you drool over me everyday." He said. Oh my god, I wanna kill him.

"You don't understand how much I hate you." I told him honestly.

"No, I do." He said just as his Mom walked in. Vanessa was like another Mom to me, Her and my Mom are really close so Kaitlin and I being best friends works out perfectly.

"Are you kids playing nice?" she asked teasing.

"Of course, how was your day?" Kayden told his Mom. Although he was total d!ck to me, he was a real suck up to his parents. His Mother smiled.

"Oh same old, same old. Is your father home?" Vanessa asked while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Don't think so." Kayden told her, while laying down on the living room couch turning the TV on.

"Daddys in his office." Kaitlin corrected her brother.

"Oh Kaylee, your Mom told me to tell you to be home by 5." She told me, I looked at my phone and it was already 5:45. I shrugged. "I'll drive you home."

"Oh, okay. Umm see you guys tonight?" I asked Kaitlin, but Kayden answered as well.

Vanessa drove me home, and when I got home my 14 year old brother was in the backyard with two of his friends playing football.

"Kaylee, Mom needs you." Kyle, my brother, told me. I walked in my house, and followed my Mom's scent to her room.

"Hey Mom, what's up?" I asked when I saw her come out of her closet with a black dress on.

"You're going tonight, right?" My Mom asked. Knowing what she was talking about, I replied with a simple, "Yes."

"Oh Kaylee, I can't believe you're going to your first Full Moon." My Mom said hugging me. I blushed, her and my Dad have been just realizing that I've grown up. I guess it takes 16 years for my parents to realize I'm not a little kid anymore. "I remember when I first met your father, oh god it was amazing." She told me, I wanted to hear the story again even though I've heard this story plenty of times before. "It was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt, first laying eyes on him. To make things even better, he took me to his man cave, literally. I had never heard of someone finding a cave and actually furnishing the place. Oh Kaylee, I'm so excited for you. But just remember, if you don't find him tonight, there's other Full Moons. I didn't find Ryan, I mean your father on the first time."

"I'm a little nervous." I confessed to my Mom. My Mom and I have always been extrememly close, going shopping together, giving me advice, and luckily she was the one to give me "the talk" instead of my Dad.

"It's normal to be normal, Lee, but there's nothing to be nervous about." My Mom told me, holding my hand as we sat on my parent's bed. "But, Kaylee listen, if you and your mate decide to...well decide to have sex-"

"Mom!" I exclaimed making her stop talking. "You've already gave me this talk when I was twelve!" I said, laughing nervously. I never thought of that, what if we did decide to have sex?

"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to make sure you don't do anything you don't want to! I mean I knew I was ready just when I saw your Dad-" Ew, throw up coming.

"Oh my god! Too much Mom!" I exclaimed and my Mom started blushing and laughing.

"Sorry sorry! You didn't need to hear that!" My Mom told me, I got up from the bed trying to get the thought out of my head.

"I'm going to go to my room, lets just forget the end of our conversation. Okay?" I said, walking backwards out of their room. My Mom nodded her head.

"Okay. Come to me before you leave, okay?" I nodded and walked to my room.

Sighing, I crashing onto my bed face first. It's 8:30 now. I have a half hour before Kaitlin is coming so we could go to Full Moon.

Maybe just a quick napp....

"Kaylee, get the hell up!" Kaitlin yelled at me, while slapping my face.

"I'm up, I'm up|!" I told her, so she would stop slapping my face. Kaitlin laughed and stopped.

"Sorry, but really get up we have to leave," She looked at her mobile for the time, "five minutes ago."

"Shit. Let's go." I told her getting up and walking down the stairs.

"Hey Daddy, I'm leaving." I told my Dad who was sitting in the kitchen with my brother and his friends. My Dad got up, and kissed my forehead.

"Be safe." He told me, I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be fine, Daddy, relax." I told him, as my Mom surprised me with a hug.

"Listen to your Dad." My Mom said. I laughed.

"Sorry. See you guys..umm later I guess." I told them as I left out the back sliding door. Kaitlin and I walked to the the woods in my backyard. We both stripped off our clothing and changed to our wolf forms. I stretched my four legs, its been a good weeks since I've gone wolf.

We ran in silence, i guess the nerves took over. When we got to the clearing where the mating process would take place, my heart stopped.

Let's go Kaylee, this is your chance. If you find your mate, great. If you don't, it's not the end of the world there's always going to be other oppurtunites. You got this. I thought, giving myself a pep talk.

Before I could even find some of our pack friends, Alpha Brennen howled into the moon-lit forrest, signalling the start of the cerimony. Everyone ran, searching for their mate frantically. The males, agressive to other males in their way.

Making me jump, a snarl coming from behind me showed possesion. Is that my mate? I turned around and found a familar midnight black wolf starring at me with possession, love and lust. I ran over to him, meeting him and got lost in the familar green eyes, the exact ones of his Dad and sister.

My Mate was Kayden.


Hey guys! I really hope you like this story, cause I have a lot of ideas to this!

Please tell me what you think of this, I'd love the feedback!



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