Coming To You ~ Chapter 11

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When I heard Kayden's truck pull into my driveway, I all but ran down the stairs to meet him outside. When I opened the front door I saw him walking to me with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him as  we grew closer and when we finally met, Kayden grabbed me in his arms and kissed me. It was more of a passionate kiss than a simple hello kiss. I laughed when he pulled away and set me back down on the ground, but still held onto my hand as we walked through my front door and into the living room.

"I missed you." I told him as he sat us both down on the love seat in my living room, across from the telly. Kayden smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I missed you so much." He said smiling still. "I brought you something." He said as he reached into his pocket of his sweat pants, pulling out a mood ring. I laughed. 

"A mood ring?" I asked as he grabbed my hand and slid it on. It immediately turned a dark blue. Kayden, chuckling, pulled out a small piece of paper from his other pocket. He smirked at me, before reading me what he was looking at.

"Dark Blue:At Ease, Romantic, In Love, Passionate." Kayden read before giving the tip of my nose a peck. I threw my head back and laughed, it was true. "I'm guessing you're in love?" He asked as he brought his face closer and closer to mine. I smiled and rested my hand on his cheek and nodded.

"You could say that." I teased, closing the distance between our lips and kissed him. Kayden smiled against my lips as he continued to kiss me. I could get lost in his kisses, he was the only one with the power to do that and I think he enjoyed knowing that.

"You know," I started after I pulled away from him. "You really do stink." I said pinching my nose shut, exaggerated the smell. Of course he didn't smell that bad, he never would to me, but he just had football practice. I thought that he usually took showers at the stadium, but maybe I was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I skipped the showers so I could be with you." He said chuckling, and I suddenly realized his face was a little red and his hair was still sticking to his face, also he had helmet hair. 

"I'm liking the hair; its cute." I said smiling at Kayden, but he didn't think it was something to smile at. "What?" I asked.

"I am not cute. Feel free to call me 'hot', 'sexy', or 'handsome' but definitely not cute." He said seriously, making me throw my head back in laughter once again. Kayden laughed along with me and picked me up laying me in his lap. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. 

"Okay Kayden, you're messy hair makes you look incredibly sexy." I said mocking the words he'd rather have me call him. Kayden raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Oh does it?" He asked seductivly before giving me a kiss. I smirked and nodded my head.

"Yeah but that doesn't excuse you for your football stench." I said covering my nose once more, laughing. Kayden laughed and kissed my neck before whispering in my ear.

"Maybe I should wash myself, or you could." I could feel the lust in his voice, and that made me smile.

"Oh." Was all I could think of saying before grabbing his hand and leading him towards my bathroom where we washed and...had fun.


"What time do your parents get home?" Kayden asked me as he dried his hair with a towel in my bathroom. I had to control myself so I could actually have a conversation with him and not want to do what we had just done in the shower. Just thinking about it made me blush a little. 

"My Dad is gone for the weekend, but my Mom will be home soon. I think Kyle is sleeping over his friend's house tonight or something." I answered as he wrapped the towel around his neck and walked out of the bathroom and into my room. He smiled and sat next to me on my bed. I had my hair wrapped in a towel above my head, and had put on a bathrobe until I fully dried off.

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