Coming to You ~ Chapter 9

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"I can't believe we're back home already." I told Kayden as we both laid together on his bed. Kayden wrapped his arms around me and brought me into his embrace, my favorite place. He nuzzled his face into my neck as his hands held my stomach.

"I had an awesome time." Kayden said, causing me to smile. I loved him with everything I had, and after this weekend I fell in love with him even more. Every night he would wake me up when Kaitlin and Mattie were sleeping, and we'd go out in my uncle's boat and just talk. It was the highlights of my days.

"I love you." I said and kissed his head. Kayden smiled against my skin, as his hands slowly moved under my shirt trailing up my torso in a loving way.

"I love you too." Kayden said and repositioned us so he could kiss my lips. I smiled against his lips, and placed my hands on his cheeks as his were still under my shirt holding my waist. "What time do your parents want you home?" He asked after he pulled away. I frowned.

"Now, they know I'm back." I said, frowning. Of course I had to have the most strict parents in the world, and make me stay away from my own mate. I shouldn't say most strict because they did let me go on a vacation with him this weekend. "I shouldn't push them too, far." I said, readjusting myself in Kayden's mirror before I left. I looked back to Kayden who looked too cute; he was sitting up on the bed with a sad expression.

"Don't go." He said before gettting up and hugging me with his monsterous body. I laughed and hugged him back.

"I have to, you know my Dad. He'll have a search party out if I'm not back in the next ten minutes." I told him, and Kayden chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right. And I'm pretty sure I'd like to keep my body parts on me, so you better get home soon." He said causing me to laugh. My Dad probably would be 100% willing to hurt Kayden if he thought I was hurt, but when I was with Kayden there was no way I would be hurting.

"Alright I should really go." I said stretching up to kiss him goodbye. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said hugging me. 

I walked out and down the stairs saying bye to Brennen and Vanessa on the was out. Just as I expected, I got a phone call on the drvie home from my Dad.

"Kaylee, where are you?" 

"Dad, chill I'm down the street from my own house." I told him. He always over reacts for everything.

"Okay, I was just making sure you're alright." He said before hanging up, as I pulled into the driveway.

I grabbed my bag and walked into my house, where I was called into the kitchen by my Dad. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Daddy." I said, when I saw him sitting on a chair on the island in the kitchen next to my Mom. "What's up?"

"How was your weekend?" My Dad asked

"It was great, thanks again." I said sitting on an open chair across from the both of them.

"Great so, your father and I have something we'd like to discuss with you." My Mom said, making me worried.


"It's about Kayden and you." My Dad said furthing the conversation. Immediately I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, we slept in different beds just like you said." I lied, I was a pretty good liar so I wasn't really worried about getting caught.

"Good but, that's not what we were going to talk about." My Dad said, then looked to my Mom to eleborate.

"You're going into heat, and as far as I'm concerned you don't plan on having children while still in school, do you?" I shook my head. "Okay, good."

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