Chapter 2

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I had the most amazing chapter and the whole thing crashed so I'm sorry if this isn’t that good im trying to recreate it. IT was so good I am so upset wow ugh

Chapter Two- Louis POV

Harry walked me to our classes after helping me get all my supplies around. He is so sweet and didn’t hesitate to help me whenever I needed it.

The teachers were dull and boring but luckily harry was in all my classes to entertain me. The bell sounded signaling fifth period was over. I sighed in relief and gathered my stuff.

We were on our way to sixth period which was relieving because that’s lunch.

“hey didn’t you say I could meet Zayn in lunch?” I asked him. I wasn’t too nervous because harry seemed to be really about being friends with Zayn- almost as if he is shocked that Zayn actually gives him the time of day. I don’t know who wouldn’t he is the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

“Yeah he’s the best” He replied. I really hoped we got along because if he was important to Harry then I wanted to be his friend.

We got to the cafeteria and it was huge to say the least. I think Harry had the same reaction the first time he saw it too because he just giggled beside me and gently put his hand on my back and guided me to Zayn.

We walked towards a boy with a calm look on his face gently drawing a picture of a boy. Harry sat down across from him and nearly shouted “Hey Zayn!”

“wow..” I just mumbled as I watched Zayn draw. “is that someone you know or someone special?” I asked him completely amazed by the drawing.

“Nah just some boy.” He replied. “I'm Zayn by the way” he added quickly before looking down again.

“Louis Tomlinson” I answered back not taking my gaze away from his drawing. He obviously was a good sketch artist.

I looked up to harry who was pulling out his what seemed to be a Doctor Who lunchbox. I smiled slightly and then realized I didn’t have a lunch. I eternally groaned thinking I’ll just pick something up on the way home from school.

“Don’t you have a lunch Lou?” Harry asked looking over to me.

“Nah I’ll pick something up after school.” He didn’t even let me finish before he ripped his sandwich in half and gave me a half of it.

“No Harry it’s okay.” He just shook his head gesturing for me to eat it.

I shrugged and took a bite. “I love peanut butter.” I said

“It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.” He said back.

I stopped mid bite and just slowly looked over to him. “how did you know that?” I asked kind of shocked.

Before harry could answer, Zayn Answered for him. “Harry is basically a genius. He could graduate UNI if he wanted to-“ Harry cut him off “I don’t want to I want to be a normal teenage boy” Zayn nodded and I was just looking at Harry baffled as he looked down fiddling with his glasses.

I observed that he does that when hes nervous or embarrassed. It was actually quite cute.

I looked at Harry once again as he ate his sandwich. I reached up and grabbed his glasses off his face. He panicked at first and then we both stopped just staring. He had magnificent green eyes. I snapped out of my daze and continued what I originally was doing.

“Louis no, please, what are you doing?” he asked frantically.

I stayed silent and lightly placed the large black frames on my nose. I flinched at the strong prescription not being able to adjust to the blurry vision.

Harry must have bad eyesight. I looked towards him and he look frantic and panicky. He was almost even more insecure and unsure of himself without his glasses if that was even possible. I couldn’t even see his face all I saw was a big blob of nothing.

I took them off and placed them on his head moving a curl away in the process. He immediately relaxed when I placed them back on his head.

“Sorry I get nervous without my glasses on..” He mumbled frantically adjusting them

“Sorry I didn’t know” I apologized.


Zayn wasn’t even paying attention anymore, he was too caught up in his drawing.

“Now I want to see you with your glasses.” Harry said regaining what little confidence he had. I smiled but shook my head. I hate how I look with glasses. I could never measure up to how harry looks in them.

“why not?” he asked with a pouty face.

“I absolutely hate how I look with glasses. I could never look as good as you do.” I winked

This time he blushed A LOT and immediately adjusted his frames.

“Well I hate how I look without my glasses.” He said.

“I couldn’t see you because of your horrid vision.”

“Good. I don’t want you to see me like that.”

“You’re beautiful” I mumbled him not being able to hear me. Even though he couldn’t hear me I still blushed like crazy.

I sighed as I finished my sandwich. Lunch was over and Harry packed up his stuff and so did Zayn. We walked down the hallway as Zayn told us a joke. I wasn’t really paying attention until I heard Harry snort with laughter. Literally he snorted and then covered his face turning bright red. He was still shaking with laughter but he covered his face.

“it wasn’t that funny mate.” Zayn said.

“The only reason it was funny is because it was completely incorrect. Horses cant talk!” he exclaimed wiping the tears falling out of his eyes because of laughter.

Zayn groaned and I smiled at Harry giggling slightly. Harry is adorable.

“Okay Lou we have to split ways now, I’ll meet you at your locker after school we can walk home together.”

I smiled and nodded but then I said “I have a car I’ll give you and Zayn a ride home.”

“That’s so cool I want a car!” He yelled like it was the best thing hes ever heard.

“well its not very fancy mostly because I paid for it but hey it runs so I'm not complaining.”

Harry smiled real big showing his dimples before walking backwards and waving.

He stumbled over his feet and quickly regained balance fixing his glasses and leaving. I chuckled and headed on my way as well.

Okay well that was chapter 2 I hope it was a little longer and as long as you're probably wondering why it is called sweater weather but ill get to that. I have to skip forward a few months in the next chapter. The next chapter might be up tonight or tomorrow. Leave comments and please tell your friends! Tell me what you think Xx

Sweater Weather - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now