Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Harry POV

I woke up and all I remember is Louis mumbling an “I love you” before he fell asleep. It made my heart flutter and my insides go crazy.

I looked at the time and saw it was 5 AM and we were supposed to be on the road at 5:30. I shook Louis awake and whispered in his ear “Wake up Boo.” He fluttered his eyes open and smiled.

I couldn’t help but smile back. Something about Louis made me notice everything about him. I never really paid attention to the way people’s eyes crinkled or the way they picked their nails when they’re bored or the way they tap their right foot and right foot only when they’re excited and cant wait any longer for whatever has got them happy. Something about Louis made me happy and I wasn’t complaining.

We both sat up and I groaned realizing we had to wake up Zayn the lump. I shook his shoulder with a little bit of hope but soon realizing that definitely wouldn’t work. I looked over at Louis with a smirk and told him to go get a glass of cold water.

He looked confused but got up and got one anyway. He came back with the cup and I dumped it on Zayn’s head. He shot up and shrieked.


Louis looked shocked and I just kept my smug grin. “Sorry but we all have to shower and be on the road in 30 minutes.

He groaned and then got up yelling “I’m showering first.”

Me and Louis just nodded laying back down and turning to face each other.

“Why are your eyes so pretty?” he asked me.

I pushed up my glasses and just shrugged. He then continued on by asking

“Why do you cover them up with big glasses when you can have contacts?”

I groaned knowing that Louis has always wanted to see me without my glasses but I knew it was never going to happen. I feel ugly without them. Uglier than I do now.

He just sighed knowing that he couldn’t get an answer out of me. We both got up and made our way into the kitchen.

“Hey boys” my mum said.

We both nodded back too tired to bother with conversation.

“You excited? Remember the driving rules Louis.” Jay scolded.

“Yeah yea, me and Zayn are gonna take turns.” Louis stated.

Jay and my mum both nodded and continued on their ways.

“Are we stopping for breakfast?” I asked my mum.

“I don’t think so, it’s up to you guys really, We’ll get there by lunch time and probably eat a big lunch so why not you just eat something here?” Jay suggested

We both nodded and got out cereal, milk, and bowls. Zayn came out in the kitchen smiling and looking refreshed only wearing a towel. “Morning Anne and Jay.” He said while grabbing a granola bar and heading into the living room to grab his clothes to change.

“Boys we only have a few minutes, you can’t both shower.” Jay said.

“Why not we shower together?” Louis smirked. I let out a nervous laugh.

“I’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked and stuff..I guess that’s okay..I don’t really see a problem.” I rambled pushing up my frames multiple times.

“Alright let’s go then”

Our mums both looked amused but shrugged it off. He dragged me into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He started taking off his pajamas and I just stood there.

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