Wait! You're One Direction?

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Ciera's P.O.V

"DON'T KILL HER!! KILL ME BUT PLEASE DON'T HURT HER." The man smirked and let Alison fall to the ground. He came closer. He grasped my throat and I struggled for air.

"Look me in the eyes." I turned my head towards him and began to grow frantic. I was staring into the man that hurt me. The man that raped me and hospitalized me. I was looking at my father.

"CIERA WAKE UP!!" I shot up and looked around me. I was sweating and I've been crying. I was looking into the most beautiful eyes ever. I just noticed how pretty they are. I would know those eyes anywhere.

"I'm sorry, Louis I didn't mean to wake you." I muttered and began to get teary eyed.

"It's fine. You were screaming and I was worried. It's fine." He said as he hugged me. I began to cry again and hug on to him for dear life. I relaxed and my breathing became even.

"Thank you." I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome. Go to sleep it's 3 in the morning." He kissed my forehead and got up.

"Louis, c-can you sleep with me?" I said weakly. He turned around and simply nodded. He walked back over to me and laid down. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and closed my eyes. This should be a good night sleep.


"Aww , look at them."

"Shut up. You're going to wake them up."

"He's mine. That's my Lou Bear."

"Harry shut up."

"I'm going to take a picture. Hold on." I heard the click of the camera. I'm not a morning so they just pissed me off.

"I'm going to countdown from three and if you aren't out of my room I'm going to murder you. 3...2...1..." I heard the sound of retreating footsteps and smiled. I snuggled closer into my pillow until it started moving. I looked up and saw Louis' sleeping face. I smiled and snuggled deeper. His grip on my waist tightened and he smiled.

"Well good morning." He whispered.

"Morning" I giggled. Holy Shit what is he doing to me!? I NEVER giggle. Oh my gosh. I can't believe I just giggled. I hope he didn't hear me. Then he's going to get the idea I like him or something. Sure he's fit and all but do I really like him? He's a good friend and he slept with me when I had a nightmare. Like who would want to be friends with a bacon loving, violent, nightmare having girl? I really don't know if I shou-

"What are you thinking about?" Louis said interrupting my thoughts. I bit my lip and looked down blushing. He grasped my chin and made me look at him.

"FOOD!!" I screamed when he was staring at me. He turned his head to the side with a puzzled expression.

"I was thinking about food." I said in a duh tone. He chuckled and got out of my bed. He walked to my door and opened it. 4 very noisy boys fell threw.

I glared at them and jumped on my bed screaming" DOGGY PILE" and just because I wanted to land on Li Li. I jumped up but my foot got caught in my sweats and I fell. I didn't even know you could trip on your clothing.

"Are you okay , you just fell?" Louis said holding a laugh in.

"The floor needed a hug and gave it one because I am a nice person I hugged it. Now shut up because your making it uncomfortable." I said with a straight face while rubbing the floor.

"Wait, YOUR nice?! Who knocked us out and ductaped Harry and threw a bag of carrots at Louis and lock-" Niall yelled

"I get it SHUT UP!!!" The boys broke out in laughter at my outburst what mad me even more angry. I told them to shut up did they, No. So this means prank. I am the queen of pranks and trust me I know how to deal with all of them. I smirked and walked over to Niall and pushed him over. He fell and glared at me. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to hide in my cupboard of cheese-its.

"Where did she go?" I heard Niall ask. I smiled; I'm a genius.

"What if she escaped because you know we always leave the door unlocked." Louis said. Man I don't feel as smart anymore. I should of ran out the front door. I silently threw a tantrum and pouted.

"I actually might know where she is?"I heard Liam say. Oh goodness gracious. I heard footsteps approaching and I grabbed a box of cheese-its. I grabbed a handful of it and got ready to launch. He opened the door to be met by cheese-its to the face. Well why I'm at it I threw the box.

"OW!! GUYS I FOUND HER!! BE CAREFUL SHE'S LOADED" he screamed. I heard the boys come running in with weapons. I saw them and laughed they have got to be kidding. Zayn came in with a mirror, Louis came in with a carrot, Niall came in with a hot dog (yummy), Harry came in with a pillow. Really? Remind me to never ask them for back up.

I heard Liam sigh and face palmed. I got out of the cupboard and walked tho the living room. I ran to the couch and laid down while taking you the whole couch. The boys came in and looked for a spot to sit. I sat there and watched as they scattered around. Soon enough everyone was settled down.

"Let's watch Toy Story!!!" I screamed. Everyone but Liam groaned actually Liam looked excited.

"Please, I really want to watch it!" Liam screamed. They all nodded slowly and got comfortable. Liam got up and put it in.

"I need to sit with a fellow Toy Story fan. Mind if I sit here?" He asked. I nodded a moved my legs.

"We really are like brothers and sisters, huh?" I asked. He nodded then put his fingers to his lips in a shushing motion. I chuckled and focused my eyes on the TV.


A Toy Story marathon and 6 bowls of popcorn later it was 9:30. We all yawned and stretched.

"We should go to sleep we have a interview tomorrow." Liam said. They all nodded but me.

"You never told me who you are you know." I said confidently. They all turned and looked at me with surprised expression.

"I already went over this I don't know who you are, and your shocked. Okay now explain." I said slightly annoyed.

"Fine , fine. We are one direction. We originally formed on the X Factor in 2010. We came in third place and we got a record deal. We are now international pop stars. There is that enough?"

I couldn't help it I burst out laughing. That was funny why in the world would international pop stars kidnap me or anyone in that matter?

"Okay that was funny, now really tell me who you really are." I said while wiping a tear from my eyes. After that laugh I'm pretty sure that I have a 6 pack.

"We're serious." Zayn said running his hand through his hair in frustration. They all nodded and stood up. Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"I don't want to walk." I complained. They all huffed and Liam turned around and gestured for me to climb on. I gladly accepted and jumped on. He stood up and began walking. I laid my head on his shoulder and just waited. We finally arrived at the destination which was the recording studio.

"We're going to sing you our number one hit , What Makes You Beautiful." Liam said. I nodded

Your insecure

Don't know what for

Your turning heads when you walk through the door

Holy cracker barrel. I love this song

Baby you light up my world like nobody else |

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

The way you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know

You don't know your beautiful

When the song finished I was in so much shock. They looks like they were having blast.

"So now do you believe us?" Liam asked.

"Holy shit. I was kidnapped by One Direction."


There you go Chapter 5. I would like to say thank you to the people who are reading it means alot. If you leave a comment it's guaranteed that I will dedicate a chapter to you. Thank you comment , and vote. Lots of Love <3

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