Im The Prank Master From... i dont know where

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Everyone get ready for a somewhat gushy and funny chapter. I decided I’ll try to get on the computer whenever I can so here is your chapter and I just want to say a quick thank you to those who are so understanding and it really shows how great you are. Thank you.


“Will you be my girlfriend?”

I looked into his eyes and I could just get lost in them. Do I like Niall as a boyfriend? Would we be happy? Niall is sweet and cute. Maybe. Just maybe. It never hurt to try.

“Yes.” I spoke as I breathed out. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt… safe.

“You don’t know how happy I am.” Niall said still holding me.

“I’m glad I’m the one who can bring you that kind of happiness.” I said kissing his cheek. He blushed and looked at the floor. I giggled and

covered my mouth. My eyes widen and started praying he didn’t hear me. Unfortunately I didn’t pray hard enough because he heard.

“Did you just giggle?” He said smirking at me.

“No. What are you talking about? I DO NOT giggle. I didn’t giggle. NO sir! I did not just giggle you’re going mad!” I whispered yelled. He shook his head and grabbed my waist and pulled me back into a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and I smiled.

“It’s so peaceful. Hey wanna prank the boys?” I asked turning around and wrapping my arms around Niall's neck.

“Wow never expected you to ask that.” He said chuckling

“Really? I’m the one who knocked you guys out, took out Lou’s girlfriend and loves bacon. And you expect me not to prank? Dude i'm the prank mater from...i don't know. But you think i dont prank. Weird child.” I said smirking the whole time. He laughed and ran to his tent. He just left me there… standing alone… well then. He came running out with sharpies and paint. WHERE DID HE GET THOSE FROM?

“Here we are.” He handed me the markers and I smiled.

“Okay you get Lou and Zayn and I get Li and Harry. Ready. BREAK!” I said taking charge. He nodded and sprinted towards a tent. I ran to a random one and noticed it was Lou’s tent and I saw the most horrifying thing ever! IT WAS DISGUSTING, UGLY, HIDEOUS, SWEATY, WEIRD LOOKING, UNTAURAL! It was….. LOUIS’ GIRLFRIEND!! Yeah I know scary right. I shivered and not from the coldness. I walked over to the tent Niall was in and asked if he had scissors. He said yea and they were in his bag. I ran over to his tent and grabbed the scissors. I laughed evilly and went back to Lou's tent.

“Haircut time blonde.” I said and went up to her.

I finished giving the girl her haircut and smiled. I should become a professional. I walked over to Liam’s tent to see he wasn’t in there. I gulped and turned around slowly. There in the shadows stood a beast. Nah just kidding it was just Liam.

“H-hey Liam. W-what are you d-doing up at this t-time?” I said stepping back.

“I could ask you the same thing.” He said taking a step forward.

“W-well you see um I was thirsty and i-i wanted water so I got some.” Yeah awesome cover up.

“And you needed scissors and sharpies because?” He said looking at my hands. Damn it.

“Fine I was pranking. Dontgetmadijustwantedtohavesomefunand-“

“It’s fine. If you let me help.” He smirked evilly and I swear I could’ve crapped my pants.

“Uh- sure.” I gave him sharpies and he nodded. He took off towards I believe Harrys tent and entered.

Liam evil. Never seen that coming. I yawned and started walking back to my tent. Oh yeah Niall. I walked over to his tent to see he was already asleep. I kissed his cheek and walked back over to mine. I laid back down and smiled. Today was a great day. My eyes drifted close and I feel into a dreamless sleep.

There you go. I know it was short or somewhat but I hope you liked it. I’ll try to write another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


If someone came up to you with a gun and said CHEESE! In 5 words what would you say?

Let me know. Thanks BATMAN OUT.

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