Today Was Eventful

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Alison P.O.V

I tossed and turned until I finally got up. I sat and smiled. I can't wait its 7 days until my birthday. Alison and I... Alison. Tears began to prick my eyes and I laid back down. Alison is gone , never coming back. It wasn't a dream. She's really gone. I have to plan her funeral. She always said if she die she want a nice funeral. With bright coloured flowers and no one was allowed to wear black. That's exactly how I'll plan it.

An arm wrapped around my waist and I freaked out. I smacked the arm and jumped out of bed. I ran to the other side of the room and grabbed a shoe. The person moved again and I launched the shoe at him. He groaned and curled up into a ball.

"You have good aim. Just don't aim for my jewels next time. Okay?" The person spoke with his Irish accent. Oh my God. It's Niall. Liam is going to kill me.

"Hehe sorry Niall. I'm just going to go get Liam." He groaned in response. I turned on my heel and walked down the hall. I didn't need to knock because what is daddy direction going to be doing.

"LEEYUM- AHH I'M SO SORRY!!! LIAM YOU NASTY. I'M NO LONGER PURE." I closed the door and ran downstairs. I sat on the couch completely traumatized about the current events that have taken place. I heard someone coming down the stairs; I was secretly hoping it wasn't Liam and to my luck it wasn't.

"Morning Zayn"

"Morning. Hey what was all the ruckus about?"

"Well, I threw a shoe at Niall and it hit him in his jewels-

"Why'd you throw the shoe at him I'm the first place?"

"Did you just interrupt me?" I asked slightly annoyed. He nodded slowly and muttered a "sorry."

"Like I was saying BEFORE I WAS RUDELY INTERRUPTED was I threw a shoe at Niall because he had his arm around my waist. But I forgot I slept with him last night-"


"What!?! NO!!! Eww!!" Zayn began laughing hysterically. I got annoyed since its been like 10 minutes and he hasn't stopped. Soon after he was on the floor curled in a ball groaning.

"Why are you hitting everyone's area today?" I smiled and sat on the floor next to him.

"Don't worry I'm going to hit Liam there too." He looked up confused. Oh right I haven't gotten there yet. I face palmed.

"Okay,so when I knew it was Niall I decided to tell Liam you know cos he's daddy direction. Any who I walked down the hall and opened the door considering that he was alone and you know being ...innocent. I was horrifyingly surprised when I walked in on a naked Liam and a bra-less Danielle."

I cringed even thinking about it and like before Zayn was laughing again.

"It's not funny!! I'm a virgin! That was freakin' disturbing and to my surprise they haven't even came down to apologise. Danielle did NOT make a good first impression." He was still laughing and after awhile I joined in.

Louis and Harry came down the stairs looking at us like we were on drugs or something.

"What's so funny? I want to laugh too!" Louis pouted and Harry nodded in agreement. Our laughter slowly decreased to giggles.

"Well Louis..." I began to repeat the whole story and they ended up laughing as well. Me and Zayn looked at each other and shook our heads. We don't find it THAT funny anymore.

They finally settled down and aimed their attention at the Tv. Oh cool! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on! I love this show.

"M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E THAT'S ME!!" I screeched. The boys chuckled and I giggled. Me and Alison loved this show. Tears once again pricked my eyes and soon tears began to fall. An arm went around my shoulder and began to suit soothingly.

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