Piano Tiles

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You slowly walked in the music room. Peeked your head out the door frame, making sure no one was following you. Then you closed the door behind you. Letting out a sigh.

You walked to the bench, and softly pressed your hands on the tiles. You began to play, the music was like your friend.

It was soothing. A warm smile grew across your face. "May I join?" A voice asked, you turned your head.

It was Luis, you nodded. He walked up to you,and sat down next to you. "What piece are you playing?" He asked again

"Mozart." You replied, your fingers touched the white clear key. You used only one hand, he used the other. The two of you played in harmony.

"Wait, I'm going to get my guitar." He said, he got up and went to the closet were they kept the instruments. He pulled it out, and sat down on a stool.

He said that if you two played one of his songs, Tenerte. You nodded, he gave me a music sheet. Then we began. Your heart started to beat. It felt warming.

As you looked up at the music sheet, you saw the lyrics. You were singing.

Te quiero en mi presente y mi futuro,
pues me siento más seguro cuando tu estas aquí a mi lado,
que tu me quieras es mi gran orgullo,
que todo lo mio es tuyo,
creo que te a quedado claro.

Espero darte todo lo que anhelas,
y mi amor a manos llenas siempre va a estar disponible,
no quiero que conozcas la tristeza,
ta alegría y tu belleza siempre sean indestructibles.

Significa que estoy vivo,
que camino y que respiro,
que funcionan mis sentidos.

Es como estar de buena suerte,
porque nada mas con verte,
soy feliz como no he sido.

Te tengo y se que no me he equivocado,
porque no hubiera encontrado,
tu ternura en otro lado.

Ha sido mi mayor acierto,
me trajiste con tus besos,
Todo lo que había soñado.

Es lo mejor que me ha pasado.

Espero darte todo lo que anhelas,
y mi amor a manos llenas siempre va a estar disponible,
no quiero que conozcas la tristeza,
ta alegría y tu belleza siempre sean indestructibles.

Significa que estoy vivo,
que camino y que respiro,
que funcionan mis sentidos.

Es como estar de buena suerte,
porque nada mas con verte,
soy feliz como no he sido.

Te tengo y se que no me he equivocado,
porque no hubiera encontrado,
tu ternura en otro lado.

Ha sido mi mayor acierto,
me trajiste con tus besos,
Todo lo que había soñado.

Es lo mejor que me ha pasado.
Es lo mejor que me ha pasado.

When you were finishing the song, he turned to see the expression on his face. He looked at you, a smile on his face. "That was beautiful." He said, you gave out a warm smile.

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