El Futbolísta y la Nerd

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I know what you are thinking, you are the nerd and Luis is the jock. Wrong.

You had just finished soccer practice, and you were walking towards your locker. You turned to noticed a boy walking out of class.

He stared at you, and you gave him a smile. You knew who he was, he was sort of a nerd. You didn't really know him though. You walked over, and decided to talk to him.

"Hey," you said with a warm smile. "Hey," he responds with a smile. He looked kind of handsome for a 'nerd'. "What's your name," you asked.

"Luis Coronel, yours," he asked. "(Y/F/N), care to join me when our break period is here," you asked again. "Yeah I would love that," he said.

"Well I got to go, see you later," he said. You smiled to yourself. He seems like a good guy, he had a warm smile, handsome, and he doesn't seem to look like a nerd.


Luis said to meet him in the music room. You step inside nervously, and you see him sitting down on one of the chairs. "Hey," you say, and he waves back.

"Tell me about yourself," he says

"Well I play volleyball and soccer. I try to do my best at academics, so I can stay on the team. I love music, and I did not tell this to anyone, but I love to sing," I say

"You love singing too. I did not want to tell anyone either because I thought they would laugh at me," he responds

"Now we know that we got something in common," you say

"Yeah, you know, you are not like my other friends," he said

"What makes you think that," you ask

"You are more fun to hang out with, and easy to have a conversation with. My other friends would sometimes be kind of weird," he says

"I have weird friends too, and speaking of friends. Do you want to play soccer with us," you ask

"Sure, I use to play soccer," he responds

"Great, let's go," you say

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