1. Chased

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    A shrill scream filled the meadow. Ben lifted his head from his book and looked to the forest where the sound had come from. The trees were shaking causing birds to leave their nests and take to the sky. It was a curious thing to be sure. This place was usually so quiet. A place he went to escape all that disturbed him. Yet now it seemed even here he was not free.
    "I just wanted a ride!!! Please don't eat me!!!" A girls voice was growing closer and closer. Bens brows pulled together in confusion. Just before he could move forward to investigate a young girl around the age of seven came bursting through the trees. "Run! I made it mad!" There was no time for him to question the girl because from the woods behind her came the largest Snarlandix he'd ever seen. His eyes grew wide and he found himself frozen.
    Without missing a beat the girls hand grabbed his and she tugged him into a sprint beside her. "Move it kid or you're dead!" She snapped. Ben matched her pace and the two ran for their lives.
    "Don't call me kid! We are the same age!" He replied with a quick glance at her. The Snarlandix gave a loud bellow making smoke pour from its mouth.
    "Less talking more running! There's a lake not to far ahead! They hate water!" She told him. Ben wanted to ask her more but she was right. They slowed down slightly while talking. He could feel the creatures breath on the back of his neck. It was going to catch them if they didn't reach the lake soon.
    He clenched his jaw tight and forced his legs to run even faster carrying him closer and closer to safety. For a moment he thought he could hear her laughing beside him but he dared not lose focus.
    Finally he heard splashing and felt the water soaking his pant legs. He slowed down and came to a stop with the water up to his chest. Panting heavily he turned to look back at the Snarlandix. It stood digging at the ground with its huge padded feet. As the girl said it seemed uneasy about the water. Bens attention then turned to her.
    "Are you insane?" He asked narrowing his eyes. She was smirking at him. This he simply couldn't understand. They had almost died. She had no reason to be making such a face. "Why was that thing chasing you anyway?"
      She answered while pulling her hair back into a pony tail. "I tried to climb on its back and ride it but I ended up just making it mad." Ben didn't approve at all of her answer.  "My names _____. What's yours?"
    Ben looked down at the hand she extended to him. "I... I'm Ben." He replied but didn't make an attempt to shake her hand. After all her stupidity nearly killed him and his quiet place was now ruined.
    The girl was unaffected by his rudeness. It was like she was in her own world where nothing mattered. "I wonder if I should try feeding him first next time. Maybe then he'll be more willing to give me a ride." She was muttering to herself while watching the Snarlandix walk away. Ben shook his head and sighed. This girl truly was out of her mind and it was a head ache.
    As Ben grew so did his longing to be alone. He isolated himself from his family and fell further and further into darkness. All the while honing his skills with the force. The strange girl that had nearly killed him didn't appear in his life again until they were teenagers and by then neither of them recognized each other.
    The girl remained as strange as ever. She preferred the company of dangerous and exotic creatures to humans and just like they day she met Ben, she was often being chased by creatures shed upset.

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