6. Fall

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    The first two nights were more of the same. Ben and Azure would exchange a few words before she would lose herself in the land of books, and Ben would drift off to sleep like an exhausted kitten. The third night however went a little differently. Azure showed up after dark as always and slipped into Ben's room. He was sitting quietly on the floor with his legs crossed and eyes closed. Azure stood still waiting for him to notice her presence or move enough to show he was still breathing. After several seconds he opened one eye to look at her.

    "I'm alive... Just meditating. It helps me focus." He explained to her. Azure let out a sigh of relief before stepping farther into the room and sitting down in front of him.

    "So Jedi really do meditate to focus their force abilities? Can you use the force then?" She asked with a twinkle in her eyes. Ben couldn't help the small smirk on his face. She was so interested in learning about him. It was flattering.

    "Yes and yes." He replied. Azure opened her mouth to ask more questions but Ben stopped her by raising a finger. "I'll show you." Once again he closed his eyes and focused on his own control. Slowly but surely the objects around the room began to lift into the air and circle around Azure and Ben. At first it was just a couple books but after several minutes everything was floating and circling the two teens. Azure watched in pure amazement unable to speak. When Ben was sure he had control of what he was doing he opened his eyes so he could watch her reaction. When his eyes met her face he felt some invisible force tug at his chest filling it with a fluttering feeling.

    "Ben this is incredible!" She finally gasped looking back to him. Her smile brightened the darkness that seemed to penetrate his room always. "How are you able to do this? I read that lifting a single object with the force was difficult but this..." She was completely amazed and to be honest so was he. His true teacher had shown him that he was exceptionally strong with the force for someone his age however even this was pushing his usual ability. Yet he wasn't even breaking a sweat.

    "I can do more." He said confidently. His brown eyes narrowed in concentration and his hand began to raise from his lap. At first his fingers trembled with the effort until Azure slowly lifted off the ground. She let out a sweet giggle when she felt gravity leave her. Ben smiled as sweat finally began to bead up on his forehead and neck.  He told himself he was stronger. He could do anything. He was in control... But he wasn't. 

    The skull splitting pain in his head returned as it did whenever he pushed himself farther than he should. Azure as well as everything else fell to the ground with a loud crash. Ben held his head in his hands trying to stop the ringing he heard in his ears while blood dripped from his nose.

    Azure whimpered when she tried to move her ankle after falling to the ground. At first she planned to ask Ben why he dropped her, but when she looked at him and saw him on the floor in a quivering mess she lost all will to be angry. Without hesitating she crawled over to him and laid down on the floor beside him. Her small hands held the sides of his face as she leaned in to rest her forehead against his.

    "Ben..." She said softly. He could barely hear her over the ringing but he knew he'd hurt her. Like he hurt everyone when he was a child. Despite all his training nothing had changed. He still couldn't control himself. Now was the part where she would run away in fear. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen... Thank you for showing me."

    Ben slowly opened his eyes to reveal the tears welling up in them from the pain. He gazed at her in disbelief and remained silent until she smiled and stroked his cheek with her thumb. He could feel her energy again. It really was different from the force he was use to. Now wasn't the time to investigate it however. For now he closed his eyes and let her comfort him. She began telling him stories about animals she'd discovered on the planet and how she had befriended a couple. She even told him about a time that she tried to ride a Snarlandix and wound up getting herself and a young boy chased all the way to the lake.

    He sat up suddenly. "That was you?! You nearly got me killed!" He snapped realizing who she was. Azure sat up as well and stared at him wide eyed for a moment.

    "Yeah? Well you just threw me on the ground and nearly broke my ankle. So we are even." She said as if that was how simple things were. Ben opened his mouth to retort but couldn't find any words to say. Instead they both just smiled at each other and Azure continued to tell him all about her adventures.

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