Chapter One

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The first thing I noticed was that I was running out of oxygen.

I was enclosed in a box, hastily made or bought, as it was much too small for my long legs. I screamed in frustration, kicking it and punching it. I was finally able to tear away the planks, and dirt enclosed me.

It felt like I was struggling to swim through Jello. Really bad smelling Jello.

My hand finally reached the surface, and I pulled my way out. I collapsed on the ground, and for the first time in all that I can remember, I cried.

Memories from Hell flooded my mind. The constant torturing, finally saying 'yes' to get off the rack.

The way I tortured the damned souls with such vigor, ecstatic to finally be released. But there was something, itching at the back of my mind, begging to be remembered. All I could remember were words. An indescribable voice. A whisper in my ear.

"Dean will be fine. Forgotten, but fine."

I clutched my head as pain rippled through my skull.

"Who's Dean?" I asked myself aloud.

I finally stood up, still holding my head and wondering who Dean was, I took in my surroundings. All trees in a 10 mile radius were toppled over, forming a perfect circle of green grass and fallen trees around my grave. A faint ringing sounded in my head.

Must've stood up too fast. I thought to myself.

The ringing grew, faster and louder until I couldn't hear myself think. I screamed and grabbed at my head, pulling on my hair. As fast as it came, the ringing stopped. I sat there, on my knees, panting. Branches cracked behind me. I whipped around quickly and reached for the daggers on my hips. A tall man wearing an unusually clean trenchcoat stood before me.

"Hello." He said in a deep, monotonous voice. Almost alike to the indescribable one in hell.

I drew my daggers and threw one at him, burying itself right in his heart. He looked down, almost annoyed. He pulled out my dagger with ease and stared at me, his eyes crinkled with confusion. The hole which my knife made healed.

"What.." I mumbled, my eyes not leaving his.

"Hmph." The man sighed. "My name is Castiel."

He strode towards me and offered me my dagger, handle first.

"Thanks." I said cautiously.

He turned his back. Now's my chance. I tripped him, then quickly dug my knee into his back. I held my bloody knife at his throat.

"Who are you, what are you, and because you seem so knowledgeable, who the hell is Dean?" I hissed.

Castiel chuckled, then I pressed my dagger harder against his neck.

"I told you, my name is Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord." He said slowly, as if talking to a kid.

"Who's Dean?" I demanded.

Castiel shifted underneath my knee.

"All in due time."

I shoved my leg in between his shoulder blades.

"Due time is now!" I said.

He sighed, then stood up, pushing me off of him like I was a simple bee on his shoulder. I toppled to the ground. Castiel grabbed my hand and lifted me up. His hand felt like nothing, firm, but the same temperature as the air around us.

"Let's leave."

In an instant, we vanished from the spot and were in an empty motel room. Castiel stood awkwardly in the corner, then sat on the couch, almost like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Too fast to be normal. I silently walked to the bathroom. I stripped off my dirty clothing and climbed into the shower relishing the hot water. I scrubbed myself clean, much too roughly. I felt like I was cleaning off the remnants from hell. I climbed out and noticed my clean clothing. Folded on the toilet lid. I put them on, my skin feeling raw. I sat on the side of the tub and held my head. I closed my eyes but all I could see was blood. I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek, quickly wiping it away, I opened the door. Castiel the angel was still sitting on the couch. Same position as before. He awkwardly stood up.

"I suppose, since you are human, you need sleep." He said softly.

I nodded, stretching.

He waited.

"Well. Go ahead." He said, raising his eyebrows and nodding.

"Um. Not to be rude, but humans don't usually go to sleep with angels... watching them." I said, not meeting his gaze.

"Oh." He said, confused at first, but then understanding. "I'll leave."

In a flash of wings, he was gone. I was alone. Finally, I collapsed on the bed with a loud groan, the springs creaking beneath me. I shut my eyes, but still, all I saw was the blood. The demons. The malicious faces, excited to torture me. But something was missing. A piece of that place. A part of my memories...

Something sprang to mind. A childhood memory. I closed my eyes once more as it flashed through my mind.

"Dad? A-are you okay?" I asked, my small feet pattering against the floor.

He swung his arm towards me, knocking over his bottle of alcohol onto the floor. Glass and clear liquid went everywhere.

"Do I look okay?" He shouted.

I covered my ears as he screamed obscenities at me.

"Your mama is dead! Stop crying for her!" He shouted. "You hear me? Stop crying for your mother! She's dead!"

Just as the most paining part of my memory was about to occur, my eyes flew open. Castiel was standing over me.

"Whoa!" I said loudly, scrambling to sit upright.

He just watched me with timeless blue eyes.

"We must leave at once." He stated.

Castiel gripped my wrist and like before, we instantly disappeared.

We appeared in a random street, and I almost stumbled, disoriented, into the road. Castiel looped his arm around mine in an instant.

"Who are you?" I mumbled, to myself.

Castiel sighed.

"Hell must've done something to your brain. I am Castiel, angel of-"

"The Lord, yeah. I got that. I mean how. What..." I fumbled for words. "I give up!"

Castiel moved his penetrating gaze from my eyes to the road. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You know a man named Bobby Singer, do you not?" He asked softly.

"Uh, yeah. He's like a father to me." I stammered quickly.

Castiel had not yet un-looped his arm from mine.

"We are going to him."

If we teleport one more time I will throw up. I thought.

We teleported.

I stumbled over to the nearest trashcan and threw up in it. As I turned back to Castiel, he gave me a concerned look.

"I must've forgotten, human's stomach's are easily agitated." He said gruffly.

I nodded, wiping at my mouth.

We walked to the door, Cas leading the way. He waited patiently by the door while I walked inside.

"Bobby?" I called out softly.

I padded down the hallways, the floorboard's creaking was muffled by the old carpet. I was suddenly thrown the the wall, a knife held to my throat.

"Who the h-" A deep voice trailed off.

Glinting green eyes looked down at me.



First chapter! Thoughts?

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