Chapter Five

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I awoke to a strong arm around my waist, the seatbelt pulling at me. I lifted my head gently, to see Sam at the wheel, focusing on the road, trying to see through the pouring rain on the windshield. Castiel was no where to be seen. I turned to my left to see a snoring Dean, holding me tightly to him, I wiggled slightly, trying to loosen my seatbelt from my waist. Dean's snores stopped for a moment, but resumed once I leaned against him again. I sighed heavily, and Sam finally noticed me.

"Hey! Riley, you're awake!" He said, smiling. "How you feeling?"

"Even though I was just cut up, I feel fine." I said. "I mean mentally, I feel like crap. But physically, I'm good."

Sam chuckled.

"Cas fixed you up before he had some 'important matters in heaven'" He imitated Cas's gruff voice.

I smiled, and that seemed to make Sam happier because his eyes brightened up, from what I could see in the rearview mirror. We arrived at a small cafe in a few minutes. I nudged Dean.

"H-What?" He mumbled.

Dean turned to me, sleepily opening his eyes

"You're awake?"

I nodded, unbuckling my seatbelt with great difficulty, as Dean's arm was right near the buckle.

We all got out, Dean leading the way, Sam and I behind him. I pulled up my hood to block out the rain. Sam held open the door for me, I smiled at him as I pulled down my hood and brushed the water from my jacket.

Dean was already leaning on the counter smiling at the waitress who was tending to the ordering area. She was smiling and blushing at every word he said. I wanted to feel angry, but all I felt was a tiny pinprick of jealousy. I sat down beside Dean, and Sam sat on his other side. As soon as the waitress saw me, she rolled her eyes at Dean and walked away.

"Riley! Hey!" He stuttered.

I gave him a small smile, then look up to see what was on for breakfast. Another waitress came back to see what we want. I was eyeing the pancake with bacon special, but my breakfast sandwich sounded good too.

"I'll have two pancake specials, but make it bacon instead of hashbrowns please." Dean ordered quickly, his hand brushing over mine.

I smirked at Dean while Sam ordered.

"Bit hungry there?" I said, chuckling a little.

Dean looked confused.

"I ordered for you? Your favourite is the pancake with bacon thingy." He explained.

The waitress walked away, Sam was watching her behind. I reached over Dean and swatted his arm. Sam tore his gaze away to stare at me and rub his arm. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked away sheepishly.

I read through the paper, my eyes skimming over articles about missing cats and young high schooler's achievements. Dean drummed his fingers on the counter and spoke to Sam about a case they just worked on.

The breakfast soon arrived, and Dean poured syrup onto my pancakes.

"Hey!" I protested, trying to push his hands away.

That only made syrup go on my bacon. I shook my head at Dean, only making his grin wider. His green eyes bored into mine, making me feel happy yet wondering. What memory was going through his head? What version of me that I couldn't remember was he is thinking of right now? My smile slowly faded and I awkwardly looked down.

 What memory was going through his head? What version of me that I couldn't remember was he is thinking of right now? My smile slowly faded and I awkwardly looked down

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(yes I know it's kayne. you do you kanye.)

The waitress came back, ordering our drinks.

"I'll take a-"

"Root beer." Dean finished for me, smiling at the waitress until she walked away.

He looked at me, his expression fragile.

"I wish you had your memories. You would've l-" I cut him off.

"I would've loved you for doing that." I said quietly.

Dean looked stunned, his face was accusatory, until Sam tapped him on the shoulder to show him a potential case.

I concentrated hard on cutting my pancakes into equal pieces, and pushing them around so they all got a good amount of syrup. I scraped the syrup off of the pieces of bacon that got hit with it, then ate my breakfast. I glanced outside to look at the pouring rain hitting the window, creating a rythmic sound on the roof of the cafe. It was rather comforting. As my root beer came, I reached for it to drink the foamy bubbles at the top, but Dean did it for me. I pouted at him and grabbed my drink from his hands.


I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. He stuck his out back.

We all finished our breakfasts, and before I could reach for my wallet, Dean grabbed my arm.

"I'm paying. I hustled some pool back in Kansas a few weeks ago. It was a good run." I rolled my eyes at him, and we ran back to the car.

Dean sat in the driver's, and before Sam could get to the car, I sat in the back.

"C'mon. Sit up here!" Dean said, looking at me in the rearview mirror and patting the passenger's seat.

I shook my head.

"Please?" He pleaded. "I can't do it with Sam talking my ear off about some science thing like he always does."

I cracked a smile but still shook my head. Dean stared out the window sullenly until Sam came back. He turned in his seat once he got into the car to smile at me.

"So get this."

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