explanation (not a chapter)

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So one of my readers found my Instagram, and said that they and their friend had questions about this book. Here are the answers.

Q: How did Riley go to Hell?
A: Dean was about to die (around season 2 time.) And she was desperate. She sold her soul for one last year on Earth, then was killed. Dean ended up not dying. (surprise surprise)

Q: What was Riley's and Dean's relationship status?
A: Dating.

Q: Explain their past?
A: Not yet! It will get explained in later chapters.

Q: I'm really confused by Riley's memory loss, please explain?
A: So Riley has lost her memories of specifically the Winchesters. John, Sam and Dean. Say she went hunting with Dean before she went to Hell, Dean would be substituted with Bobby, Ellen, Jo, etc.

Q: In the last chapter, why wasn't Riley mad when Dean was flirting with that waitress?
A: She doesn't have enough memories about their relationship to be angry.

Q: Going away from the topic of the book, what inspired you to write this?
A: Well, I haven't written a book in about a year, and the only thing on my account is that crappy Doctor Who fanfic. Don't bring it up, I'll cringe my way out of town. Anyway, since I hadn't written something in about a year, I wanted to show people that I actually can write, and I'm not that big of a crappy writer anymore!


I hope that cleared up some confusion for my other readers!
I'm not fishing for votes here, but I would really appreciate if you voted for my chapters, and gave feedback! I would love to get this book on the map, and I need some tips on how to improve my writing. Also, if you'd like, you could maybe put this book on your reading list? It would be an amazing help, thank you!

 Also, if you'd like, you could maybe put this book on your reading list? It would be an amazing help, thank you!

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(yes young leo you're such a babe)

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