Chapter 1

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*Levy's POV*

"Levy!!" I heard a voice call. I looked up from my book and looked around the garden from where I sat. The garden was my second favorite place to be at, the first being the Royal Library. I could usually be found in their by the fireplace with a stack of books behind me, but it was such a beautiful day that I decided to read out in the garden, by the fountain.

I see a small figure run in my direction. That figure was the owner of the voice that called me: my younger sister, Wendy. Her long deep blue hair flowed behind her and she ran towards me. Her light, grassy green and gold day gown was being held up in the front by her delicate hands. Her face had a big smile on her face. I knew that smile all too well. It was the smile of her telling me good news. "Levy!!" she called.

I stood up with my book under my arm and walked up to meet her. "Hey Wendy. Is everything okay?" I ask, knowing that she is going to tell me something big.

"Yeah. But something great has happened!" she said, who was practically bouncing up and down.

"Okay, no need to start bouncing." I said, placing my free hand on her shoulder. "Calm down first. Didn't you learn this in your studies?"

Wendey playfully continued to bounce. "I did, but this news is too exciting for me to act like a princess."

I smiled. "Okay, how about you tell me the news as we go inside?"

"I can't." Wendy said. "Erza wants to tell you the news. She sent me to come and get you so she can tell you at Tea." Erza is my older sister. She helps take care of Wendy and I. Ever since mother and father died, Erza has had a ton of pressure on her shoulders. I love my sisters, but I do as much as I can to ease the pain for them. We are were defeated when we heard of our parents death. I was only twelve when that happened.

It took me a while but I was so lost into my book that I lost track of time. I have thirty minutes until Tea starts. "Wendy. Thank you for coming to tell me, but I need your help to get ready."

Wendy smiled even bigger. "Does this mean I get to pick out your gown?" she asks.

"Yes. It means you get to pick out my gown." I said.

"Yay!" she said bouncing higher.

"Come on Wendy." I said, holding my day gown with my free hand. "We don't want to keep Erza waiting." Wendy immediately nods and holds her gown up and walks with me back to my room.

I couldn't help but smile at her. She was always happy and cheerful, even when mom and dad died. She always knew how to make us smile. She looked just as happy as I was when we could get new books in the library. I'll admit, books are one thing that let's me escape this world. They are like a portal to another dimension with you leaving the comforts of home.

Once we reached my room, the maids were already waiting to help me get ready. "You're majesty. It is time for you to get ready for Tea." our maid, Kinana said.

"Of course." I say, turning to Wendy. Wendy immediately went into my closet and pull out my pink tea dress (the one in the picture). "This one Levy." she says holding it out to me.

"Didn't I already wear that one?" I asked with a polite smile.

"Yes. But it's my favorite. It makes you stand out." She answered.

"Okay, but this is the last time I'll be wearing it this week." I said, laying my book on my desk and taking the dress from Wendy. I turn to Kinana, and hand her the dress. "This dress today, please."

"Yes, your majesty," she says, bowing while holding the dress. She then leads me behind my folding screen and helps me into the gown. The gown was one of it's kind. Smooth silk with a delicate pattern. It was comfortable to wear, but only to be worn at Tea. If it wasn't, Wendy would want me to wear it everyday. It wasn't my most favorite gown, but it was at least comfortable to move around in.

I tell Kinana to leave my hair the way it was, flowing free and held back by a headband, with two strands hanging on either side of my face. I slide on my matching pink heels and step out to show Wendy.

When Wendy saw me wearing the gown, her face was wearing a happy and bright smile. She immediately approved of it. "Let's go Levy. Erza will be waiting longer if we don't go."

I giggle and nod. The two of us thank Kinana and excuse her to continue with her maid duties for the day.

As we walk down to Tea, well, Wendy was skipping more and walking, I couldn't get my mind off the fact of what Erza was going to tell me. Wendy must know, but she respects Erza too much to disobey her.

I didn't pay much attention, when I trip over my gown and fall down the stairs. "Levy!" Wendy exclaims, reaching out for me.

Before I could topple down the stairs, I am caught by two muscular arms. "You should be more careful, your shortness."

I look up and see none other than Gajeel Redfox, one of our most loyal, yet ruthless servants.

(Word Count: 945)

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first Fairy Tail Fanfic. For those of you who don't know, Fairy Tail is my favorite anime, and my OTP is GaLe (GajeelxLexy).

Forgive me if this chapter was a little bad, I am new to writing this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or it's characters, contents, etc.

Until next time...


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