Chapter 2

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*Shay's POV*

When I woke up this morning, I felt a huge smile spread across my face. I guess I'm really excited for the baseball game with Josh and his friends. I don't know why, but I felt a certain attraction to Josh. He was definietly different from all the other guys I've met. Maybe it was because he didn't just like me because of my looks.

When I got up from bed, I heard Jillian's loud, booming laugh. The girls all had this bad habit of making copies of my keys and walking into my flat as much as they wanted. I smiled as I saw that they were all dressed appropriatley and they were eating breakfast.

I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I decided to wear a muscle tee with my pink shorts. I wore my very unattractive knee high socks and my old cleats. I put my helmet, my bat, my gloves, and three baseballs in my gym bag. I tied my hair into a ponytail and put on my favorite hat.

I ate a few bites of toast before we were able to hit the road. When we got to the baseball diamond, it felt a lot like home. I felt the butterflies in my stomach that I would always get before a game. I looked at the girls with a huge smile on my face. I missed baseball so much and this was a great day for me.

I was putting my bag on one of the benches when I heard the sound of laughter. I turned my head and saw Josh surrounded by some other boys. I watched as the girls jumped up and squealed silently in the dug out. I walked up to Josh and gave him a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Josh. How are you?" I asked, smiling at him and the boys. Josh chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist. If it wasn't for the shade my hat was making, everyone would have seen me blush.

"I'm good, Shay. This is Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. We've kind of already predetermined the teams. Since there are 12 of us, there'll be two teams of six. You, Zayn, Louis, Emily,  Tishana, and Liam are in your team and the rest are in mine."

I smirked as I realized that I was going to be versus Josh. I liked him, but this was going to be way too easy. I gathered up my team and watched Emily and Tishana highfive each other in happiness.

"Yes! We have Shay! We're going to have this in the bag!" Tishana said, patting my back. I smiled at them and looked back at Josh's team. I smiled and blushed as Josh's eyes locked with mine. I turned back around and looked around at my team mates.

"Alright, guys. I'll pitch first and Liam will be the umpire, alright? You guys cover the bases, even though they probably won't make it there." I said, making the others smile. 

Soon I stood at the pitcher's mound, put on my mitt, and stretched my arms. I smiled at Liam who took his spot behind, Niall, who was pitching first for his team. I watched as he smiled at Jillian, who sat at the dugout. Niall looked at me and laughed. This got me a bit angry because it reminded me of the laughter I heard when I first joined the boys baseball team.

"Something wrong, Niall?" I asked, pretty pissed off at his smirk. I watched as he got his bat in position. 

"No, Shay. I'm good. It's just that I don't think a pretty little girl like you should be pitching. This is a men's sport." 

When Niall said that, I heard the girls gasp, knowing that pushed me past my limit. I held the ball against my chest and took a deep breath. I watched as Liam made a signal for a curve ball, but I shook my head. He tried a slider, but I refused. When he finally tried a knuckleball, I smirked and nodded. 

I got into a stretch position and dug my fingernails into the middle seams of my ball, like most people do when they throw a knuckleball. I lifted my left leg up and threw the ball as hard as I could. I watched as Liam caught the ball and Niall looked at me, almost scared. I threw the ball like that two more times and eventually, Niall struck out. I smiled as my team took their spot at the dugout. I walked up to Niall, who's jaw was wide open. 

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