Chapter 13

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*Shay's POV*

Finally back from the honeymoon! Josh had surprised me with a trip to Greece for a while and we had so much fun. Luckily, Jill and Niall kept us posted on how the twins were. To our surprise, Paige ended up looking a lot like Niall and Caleb looked a lot like Jillian. They were about five months old now, but they already recognized me and Josh and they new how to say "Aunnie and Un", which was their way of saying "Auntie and Uncle." Josh and I were in the middle of unpacking when I felt something weird in my stomach. Before I knew it, I was running to the bathroom and I emptied out the contents of yesterday's lunch. I sighed and washed my mouth before brushing my teeth. Josh jogged into the bathroom and I smiled weakly at him. 

"What's wrong, baby cakes?" Josh asked, rubbing my shoulders as he led me to the bed. I shrugged and got under the covers. I felt like all my energy was being drained from my body. I felt Josh's cold hand on my forehead and I looked up to meet his concerned gaze. "Shay, you're burning up. It must be the tempeture change."

I nodded as I yawned and patted the bed next to me. "Cuddle?"

Josh smiled weakly at me and shook his head. "I'm going to unpack all this stuff, then I'm going to make you some soup. After, and ONLY after, I'm done, we can cuddle."

I pouted playfully as my adorable husband placed a gentle kiss on my nose, causing me to giggle uncontrollably. I watched as Josh placed all our clothes into our drawers and placed the shoes in the closet. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and pulled out my cellphone. I decided to call Jill and see if the kids were alright. The minute Jill answered the phone, I heard both babies bawling their eyes out.

"Jill, what are you doing to my godchildren?!" I teased as I heard her sigh of annoyance and confusion.

"I don't know, Shay! I gave them their bottle, changed their diaper. I don't know what else they want! Niall went to guy buy baby formula and diapers, but he managed to take Cal." Jill said, and from the bounciness of her voice, I could tell she was bouncing Paige on her knee. I giggled and sighed.

"Put me on speaker." With that, the shrill cries became louder. Paige was crying like crazy, and there didn't seem to be a reason why.  "Paigey wagey!"

I heard Paige's sobs stop abruptly. "Aunnie?"

I giggled at her cute, curious tone. "Hi, my angel!"

Paige began to coo and babble and I couldn't take how cute she was. After a while, I heard a door open and I could hear Niall. Jillian told me that she had to go, but thanked me for being a miracle worker. I smiled as I said my goodbyes to them and I layed my head back on the pillow. I looked and saw  that Josh wasn't in the room. He was probably getting the soup ready. I sighed as my head spun a little. 

I shook of this feeling as I remembered little things from my honeymoon. The beach, the waves, the sun... the... fun times. When I remembered that, I stiffened. What if... No. It couldn't be... I felt my head pound again and this time, I shot up from bed and walked over to Josh. I found him stirring the soup and he frowned when he saw that I was up.

"Shay, you're not supposed to be out of bed." He scolded, but I grabbed the jacket he had given me when we were dating and my car keys. "Babe, where are you going?"

I smiled weakly at him before walking over and crashing my lips onto his. Josh, who was obviously taken aback, dropped the wooden spoon and soon, his hands were placed on my hips, pulling me closer. What if I was pregnant? Would Josh still want to be maried? What if he wants a divorce? I tugged on his bottom lip softly before pulling away.

"I'll be right back, okay? I love you." I said, rushing to the door before I could hear his response. The fall air attacked me and I jogged to Josh's car. I cleared my head and decided that I would go to the drug store and pick up a pregnancy test. 

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