Chapter 7

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*Shay's POV*

I was about to roll over when I felt something heavy weighing my waist down. I tried to budge, but whatever was weighing me down was too heavy. I rolled over and smiled as I faced a sleeping Josh. Memories of yesterday flooded my mind and I couldn't be more overjoyed. The kisses, the hugging, the cuddling.

I couldn't control myself anymore as I leaned closer and placed a long peck on his cold lips. After about a second, his lips moved against mine in perfect harmony. Josh was awake. I felt his hands find my hips and he began to draw light circles on my skin with him thumbs. I moaned quietly, making him smirk against me.

Josh's cold hands found their way inside my shirt and they were rubbing my sides lightly. I tangled my fingers in his dark hair, tugging softly. After doing this, I earned a low, quiet moan from Josh. I giggled against him lips and he smiled again. Seconds later, he lifted me, not breaking the kiss, so that I was straddling him.

The kiss was becoming more and more heated as I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt. I was about to quickly peel it off when I heard shuffling outside my door.

"Um, Shay..? I think you're busy so we'll just be leaving... W-we left you guys your morning Starbucks on t-the table." I heard Jillian's rushed, embarassed voice followed by an army of footsteps and the front door closing.

I pulled away from Josh, but sat up, still straddling him. I smiled as his hands landed on my thighs. "My friends are horrible people."

Josh chuckled and shook his heads. "Hey, be happy. If it were the boys, they would have barged in and taken photographs."

I smiled down at Josh and smiled weakly. "Well, I wish we had a little reminder of all this happening... To make sure I'm just not dreaming..."

Just then, an idea popped into my head. Still staying on Josh, I rummaged through my night stand and found the camera that Josh had gotten me. I rolled off Josh and layed next to him. I took the lens cap off the camera and positioned the camera to face me and Josh. I leaned in and gave him and soft kiss. I clicked the camera and took a quick picture of it.

I pulled away from Josh and looked at the picture. Perfect. I layed next to him and smiled, showing it to him. Josh flashed a shy smile at me before brushing away a strand of hair from my eyes.

"What are you doing to me..?" Josh asked, looking at me but he seemed to be distant and deep in thought. He shook his head and looked at me like I was the most amazing thing in the world. "You're just... So amazing... But I don't know if this is going to work..."

I shot up and looked at him, hurt. "Wait, what the fuck do you mean?!"

*Josh's POV*

I shook my head and took both of her shaking hands. "Shay, you go back to university next week and I go on tour in three days... We're both busy people with busy lives... But that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Shay shook her head, tears filling her eyes. "I forgot about tour... But Josh, you can't leave things like this... I-I care about you soo much, and I want to be with you. Please, let's just try to make this work..?"

I felt tears sting in my eyes and I brushed her's away with my thumb. "Do you really want this for us, Shay?"

"More than anything..." She squeaked, fresh tears rolling down her precious red cheeks. I leaned in and kissed all them away.

"Then let's give this a try... Shay..?" I said, looking deep into her brown eyes that were filling with tears. I watched as she looked at me, biting her lip in an attempt to keep her tears at bay.

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