Chapter 6

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*Shay's POV*

Today was going to be an awesome day! Since all the girls are busy with the boys, Josh was going to come over for a movie night! I was still unsure about my feelings for him, but I pushed that aside and began to get ready. I did soft curls in my hair and wore a cute pair of pajamas.

Since it was already January, the weather was looking up, but there was still some snow falling. It was still cold out, but not cold enough to need scarves and stuff like that. New Years was awesome because I spent it with the guys and most of my time was spent talking to Josh and laughing.

I made about two dozen cookies and I made three bags of popcorn. I also had soda, candy, and a pile of movies from all different genres. I tried cleaning up as much as I could before I applied a light shade of mascara and some lipgloss. It was nice spending time with my best friend. I was going through my twitter feed when I heard a knock at the door.

I smiled when I saw Josh with a duffle bag in his arms. I hugged him tightly and smelled that cologne I loved so much. "Joshy! Tonight is going to be an awesome night."

I lead him to the couch and set his duffle bag on the loveseat. Josh smiled and sat down on the couch with me. "So, Shay, why don't we just talk for a while? I mean, we're best friends, but I feel like there's somethings I haven't found out about you."

I nodded. "Okay, what do you want to know?"

I watched as Josh ran his hand through his hair and smiled. "Tell me about your first boyfriend."

I frowned and focused on my mismatching socks. "I wish I could tell you, Josh, but... I never had one before."

Josh gasped and looked at me, bug eyed. "You can't be serious... You've never had a boyfriend? Why?!"

I chuckled and looked over at him, hugging my knees. "I guess... The boys got intimidated about my playing sports better then they could..."

Josh smiled weakly and placed a hand on my knee. "Shay, you are a wonderful girl and all the boys who turned you down are complete and utter twats."

I smiled at him. "Anymore questions?"

Josh chuckled and leaned back a bit, thinking hard. "What do you look for in a guy?"

I felt myself blush. I thought long and hard about this and took a deep breath before answering. "I love guys with a sense of humor. They need to be caring and most of all... They need to accept me. Accept my sporty side, my short fuse, everything. I don't want to be someone I'm not when I'm with someone, you know?"

I watched Josh nod and smile. "Maybe the right guy will come along sometime soon."

I nodded and reached for the pile of movies. "I think we should watch Finding Nemo!"

Josh laughed as he stood up to put the movie inside the DVD player. He sat back down on the couch and I layed down with my head on his lap. I smiled up at him and giggled when he stuck out his tounge at me. I watched as he placed the bowl of popcorn on my stomach and grabbed a few. I popped a few in my mouth and turned my focus on the movie.

*Josh's POV*

Watching the movie with Shay felt great. It was amazing how loose everything was. The air around us was comfortable and peaceful. Looking down at her brown eyes every once in a while brought me a sense of joy like no other. Shay's occasional giggle made the biggest smile erupt on my face and I couldn't hide it for a minute.

I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach everytime I leaned over to get popcorn, which was laying on her stomach. She was so beautiful.

It puzzled me that she didn't have a boyfriend before. How can a guy pass up the chance to hold that girl in his arms and call her his..? If I went to school with her, I would have snatched her up after the first day.

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