Chapter Five

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Warning : Mature Content


"Stay." Karlie uttered, slurring the words. Taylor furrowed her brow and looked at the drunk Detective.

"You need to get some sleep, Karlie." Taylor said. She gently pulled her hand away from Karlie's grasp and drape the detective's arm around her shoulder as they started to walk towards Karlie's bedroom, with Karlie kept on stumbling as everything seems to be swirling around her.

Stumbling into the bedroom, the two plopped into the bed, facing each other.

Karlie studies Taylor's face, she couldn't help but to admire her flawless skin, her crystal-blue eyes and her red-cupid bow lips. Lips that she'd been dying to taste again.

"You're beautiful." Karlie whispered in a husky voice, looking straight into Taylor's blue eyes that shines with the moonlight piercing through the windows.

Taylor felt blood creeping into her cheeks under Karlie's gaze. She's internally cursing herself, wanting to get off the bed but it seems as though her body's saying otherwise. She didn't know whether it's from the alcohol she'd consumed or maybe, something else.

She'd never felt something like this before and she knew it was wrong.

Karlie leaned closer to Taylor, their face inches closer, causing Taylor to feel Karlie's warm breath caressing her lips, with a faint smell of alcohol mingled with it.

Eyes half-lidded, Karlie slowly sealed Taylor's lips with hers, unable to resist the urge of wanting to taste Taylor's mouth again.

After a slight internal deliberation, Taylor kissed her back as the weird feeling grew stronger, almost uncontrollable. She felt as though that her body's on fire and her body's throbbing with need, it felt sinful but it felt so right at the same time.

Taylor put her hand on Karlie's nape, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Heat flooded their insides as Karlie's tongue ran lightly across the seam of her lips, coaxing Taylor to part them, wanting to slide the tip of her tongue between her lips. Parting her lips, she met Karlie's tongue with her own. She felt fireworks exploding at the pit of her stomach as she's losing herself in this intoxicating kiss. Taylor threaded her fingers through Karlie's hair as their tongues twined and explored each other's mouth in a sensual dance.

Taylor moaned into the kiss as Karlie's hands wandered feverishly in her body, slowly taking off every piece of fabric separating her from what she's yearning for. Karlie straddled her hips and took her jersey off before sealing Taylor's lips in a passionate and hungry kiss once again. Taylor moaned as Karlie grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back gently, exposing her neck, trailing biting kisses down until she reached Taylor's supple breast.

Her freehand glides down burning touches on Taylor's side, eliciting a moan from the blue-eyed blonde. Swirling and sucking Taylor's rose-tipped bud, her hand continuously slid down from Taylor's side to her stomach until it finally made it's way in between her legs.

Her freehand started cupping and kneading Taylor's soft mound as she ran her fingers painfully slow along her damp folds, teasing her as she continues suckling her pert nipple.

"Karlie," Taylor whimpered huskily out of pure pleasure, fluttering her eyes shut as Karlie finally slid two fingers inside her moist, warm center while massaging her clit with the pad of her thumb.

Taylor gasped Karlie's name once more, mouth agape, hands gripping tightly onto Karlie's shoulder as the detective plunged deeper into her core whilst sucking her breast harder, giving the two supple mound equal attention.

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