A One Shot and Apologies

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Author's Note: Hello! Hi! Sorry if I haven't updated this for ages. I will continue this fic its just that I got a lot of things in hand and I have been working on two fics namely, Unspoken and Stars. I will put this one on-hold for a while but I might update it if I have the luxury of time to do so. But with that said, thank you for all of the lovely comments you guys are giving this fic. I really appreciate it and it makes me happy that you guys love it. So with that said, here's a little one shot I made a few months ago. This was originally a first person POV, and was created for my other book (in another account) with the help of my cousin. I made a few changes and stuff but I hope this one is still good enough. Hahaha love ya guys. (:


Sorry if there might be grammatical errors and such :)


The golden afternoon sunlight streamed through the tall windows, kissing the green-eyed girl's skin with it's gentle warmth. Her unhurried footsteps echoed through the silent halls as she made her way to the music room to meet up with her girlfriend, earlier than their other band members. She was excited and nervous at the same time. She was excited about the fact that Taylor's going to teach her how to play her favorite song in the piano but nervous, since she doesn't want to screw up.

"You can do this Karlie, you won't mess up. Impress her." She murmured to herself, giving herself a little cheer as she continuously walk towards the music room.

Heaving a sigh and now standing in front of the room, she curled her fingers around the cold knob and sighed before twisting it open only to find her girl setting up the some instruments.

"Hi Babe," Taylor greeted. "Can you give me a hand with these?"

The blue-eyed girl pointed at the scattered instruments on the floor as she smiled warmly at her.

"Sure, no problem." Karlie said as she closed the door behind her. She immediately helped her, stealing glances from time to time - making Taylor's cheeks crimson red whenever she catches her green-eyes looking at her with admiration. After setting up the instruments, Taylor positioned herself on the grand piano to play Karlie's favorite song first, Love Story. The green-eyed girl leaned on the piano facing her girlfriend, she watched her intensely as her fingers danced on the piano keys while singing along with the melody.

Karlie immerse herself in Taylor's music as she kept her gaze on Taylor, admiring her. It took Taylor a while to notice Karlie's heavy stare, it made her flush again as a smile crept across her lips while still playing the song.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked softly in between her singing.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" Karlie asked sweetly, propping an elbow on top of the piano while staring at Taylor's lips.

"You always do." Taylor responded with a smile. She continued singing after answering the question but to her surprise, Karlie walked over to her, grabbed her name and started kissing her. Taylor responded to the kiss as she felt her body heating up when Karlie started to ignite her senses with fire. She pulled Karlie impossibly closer to deepen their kiss, seeking her tongue with her own. The kiss became hot and urgent, driving Karlie toward the edge.

The younger girl's hand snaked around Taylor's back, raising her up to lay her down across the piano keys as she gently pulled away from the kiss and dropped her hand to her thigh, stroking her leg underneath her skirt.

"Karlie," Taylor moaned softly, feeling Karlie's right hand made it's way to her underwear, while the other's expertly unbuttoning her blouse.

Taylor gasped in surprise as she felt Karlie pressing and circling her thumb around her clothed clit while the other unclipped her bra with one swift movement. The green-eyed girl didn't waste time and tugged Taylor's loose bra down to expose her perfectly beautiful mound and her rosy-tipped nipples.

Karlie plant a soft kiss on her chest before looking up to meet Taylor's gaze. "You're beautiful." She whispered quietly before pressing her lips against Taylor's. She ran her tongue lightly against the seam of her lips, begging for an entrance and as she parted her lips, Karlie took the opportunity to slid her tongue inside her mouth. Taylor pulled her closer, curling her fingers through Karlie's hair. Their tongues twined, exploring each other's mouth in a sensual dance. Taylor groaned when Karlie pulled away from the kiss, leaving her yearning for more. Karlie started trailing soft kisses across her jawline while looking at Taylor's reaction; her eyes were close as she was biting her lip to prevent the soft gasp to escape from her mouth. Karlie smirked against her skin and turned the soft kisses into biting ones as she continued to trail down until she reached her breast.

With her freehand, Karlie started cupping and kneading her soft mound as she dipped two fingers inside Taylor's entrance, while massaging her clit in a circular motion, causing the blue-eyed girl to whimper out of pure pleasure.

"K-Karlie," Taylor gasped with her mouth agape as Karlie plunged deeper into her core and sucked her breast harder, giving the two equal attention - causing the older girl to jerk in surprise.

Her sudden movement startled the green-eyed girl as the piano created a low key sound. She gently removed her mouth from her breast and leveled herself to look at her girlfriend in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, biting her lower lip.

Taylor nodded silently before whispering a breathless, "More."

And with that, Karlie kissed her passionately and plunged deeper into her tight pulsating core.

Taylor cursed out of pleasure as Karlie continuously thrust her fingers in and out of her. The green-eyed girl spread her legs open, positioning herself in between them. She brought one hand down near her pelvis and placed her thumb on her clit, rubbing it along with every thrust. Taylor squirmed underneath her, making the piano keys roar random tunes around the music room, accompanied by her whimpers and moans.

She continued thrusting her fingers in and started rocking her hip along with her hand's movement as she adds another finger in, causing Taylor's moan to turn into cries of pure bliss. Karlie started picking her pace up as soon as she felt Taylor's walls closing in, however, Taylor squeezed her arm tightly to get her attention.

"Footsteps... someone's coming... I... hear... footsteps..." Taylor said breathlessly, gasping for air.

"Fuck," Karlie cursed under her breath as she pulled her fingers out of her, finding them drenched with her arousal. Karlie pulled her up, grabbing her by the arm, assisting her to the music room's storage room as she can barely walk.

They locked the room from inside to assure that nobody would find them. They looked at each other and smiled, trying to contain their laughter, somewhat amused on what had just happened and on the situation they're in now. From inside, they heard the music room's doors open and familiar voices calling out their names. Cara and Selena.

"Karlie? Taylor?" They heard Selena called out loudly.

"Where the hell are they?" Cara grunted.

"I don't know but, Taylor's bag is here," Selena answered. "Maybe we should wait for them?"

Fortunately for them, Karlie had her phone with her. She immediately switched it into silent mode as she started typing a message.

'Hey. We're at the cafeteria. Want to join us before we start band practice?"

Cara's phone rang after a few seconds. "Hey Sel, Karlie just texted, they're at the cafeteria, want to grab something? I'm kinda starving."

"Sure, let's go?"

As soon as they heard the door closed, they both sighed in relief and looked at each other with a knowing smile.

"We should definitely do this in another place next time." Taylor said while buttoning up her blouse.

Karlie smirked as she looked at her girlfriend mischievously. "My place or your place?"

"Yours." Taylor replied with a smile across her lips.

Karlie leaned in and kissed Taylor's forehead before whispering, "I'll look forward to it then."


🙈 how was it? I hope you guys liked it sorry if there are errors. (^~^)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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