Part 1

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You, Bry and the boys sat in a tiny restaurant in the airport catching up on what was going on with you all from the past week. The boys had about an hour until thier flight and you and Bry decided that since you were still in Aus with the guys that you'd send them off onto their flight to Bali, Yours, Bry's, Mali's and a couple of their friends flights were all tomorrow and Lukes girlfriend Arz was the day after.

You were pretty excited because you've never really been traveling much and this was your second time being out of the country, You were a bit hesitent on going since you weren't really good with traveling and because you didn't really know what to expect with being around everyone. Espescially around a certain person. You were pretty close with Bry and the boys of course but for some odd reason Arz wasn't very welcoming toward you, So when your boyfriend Calum asked you along you were a bit unsure but you couldn't say no to him.

"You'll be alright staying with Mali and Bry tonight yeah?" Calum whispers in your ear, as he wraps his arm around you.

"Yeah of course." You say with a smile, He smiles back and kisses your forehead.

"Dessert?" The waitress asks with a friendly smile as she sets the checkbook down.

"Uh.. none for us thanks!" Ashton says, Mali and her boyfriend shake their heads with a smile as they politely decline and so does Calum, Luke and Mikey. To be honest you would have loved some but you knew that the boys only had a few minutes left until the flight.

Everyone thanked Ashton for dinner, since he was the one who insisted on paying for it and when you all grabbed you things you all walked with the boys to the check in.

You stood there in the bag check in with Cal and he hugged you swaying you back and forth dancing along to the airport music playing over the entercom, trying to make you laugh, which worked, He grabbed your hand spinning you around infront of him.

"Flight 104 to Bali now boarding." A womans voice says over the entercom cutting off the music.

"Awe..." Calum whines with a sad look as he let's go of your hand.

"Okay babe have safe flight yeah?" You say.

"Yep." He says as he pulls you close and bends down giving you a quick kiss.

"I'll let you know when we land." he adds and you nod your head as he gives you another quick kiss and mali a hug goodbye.

"See you tomoorw." You say and he nods, He kisses his hand and waves to you as he walks off with the boys.

You and mali and Bry arrive back at Mali and Calum's parents house, They were already asleep and you were pretty tired yourself, Mali had her room for the night, You had Calums and Bry had the guest room, And even though you were tired you couldn't fall asleep, so you just decided to stay up and work some on your computer.

It was about 4:00am when you got a text from Calum saying that they had arrived at the house we were all going to be staying at, He seemed so exciting, naming everyhting he has found so far, a floating swan in the pool, A fridge filled with all sorts of things, the beautiful view, the cool shower in his room, etc... you couldn't help but smile and laugh to yourself, excited and happy Calum made you excited and happy, You could even feel your flying nerves vanish a bit.

You still couldn't sleep so you were awake when everyone wlse was waking up, You and the other girls took turns in the shower while you all finished packing. Once you all were showered, dressed and packed you headed out the door and on your way to the airport.

Check in was hectic, One of the things you hated most. The more you got closer to boarding the more nervous you were.

"You should eat something bfore we take off." Mali says.

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