Part 10

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You sat at the pools edge, Listening to the night life, It was late and everyone was asleep, You kicked your feet back and forth in the water admiring the night sky, You were tired but no matter what you did you couldn't fall asleep.
"Oh sorry." You hear a voice say and you turn to see Arzaylea stood in the entrance way of the house, She began to walk back but you stopped her.
"No, It's fine." You say with a half hearted smile.
"Can't sleep?" You ask and she just nods her head.
You motion your head to the spot next you and she walks over and sits down next you.
"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me." She says.
"I'm not." You say blankly.
"Believe it or not i am a nice person." You say with a giggle and she gives you a smile.
"I just don't want to fight with anyone anymore. I don't want anymore drama." You simply say, She looks down at the water.
"I didn't talk to anyone about your engagement by the way." She says breaking the silence.
"Yeah i know. Articles tend to lie about things like that, They say they talk to people who know others personally just so the rumors seem more real." You explain.
You both sat there, Silence filling your ears.
"I'm sorry." She says.
"For what?" You ask.
"For everything. I know i haven't been the nicest person to you and i'm sorry for that." She says.
"It's fine." You say shrugging your shoulders.
"Don't do that." She says and you give her a confused look.
"Please don't think that what i did was fine. It's not. I'm a horrible person, Everyone thinks so." She says.
"People don't know you. People just assume the worst, It's fine honestly." You say.
"You apologized and that's all that really matters right now, People make mistakes." You say with a smile as you nudge her making her smile in return.
"I just want you to know though, If you really do love Luke, Please treat him like you do. He is the most amazing person i have ever met and i know he looks at you and sees you as the most perfect person, All i ask is that you look at him the same. Don't use him." You add.
"I do care about him. Honest." She says and you look at her.
"Honest." She says once more.
"Can i ask you something?" She asks and you nod your head as you turn your attention back to the water.
"Do you think we could ever be friends?" She asks.
"I think for now, I can tolerate you." You say honestly, She looks down a bit sad looking.
"But in the future. Possibly." You add and she gives you a half hearted smile and a nod.
"I should probably get back." She says and you nod giving her smile as she stands up and walks off.

10:00 AM

You hadn't slept all night so you were still up just as Calum was getting up, You were already making breakfast for everyone and he walks in the kitchen, He smiles as soon as he sees you and you hand him a cup of coffee as he sits on the island in the kitchen watching you as you finish up breakfast.
"I was wondering where you were." He says as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"I couldn't sleep, Decided i'd get a head start on breakfast." You say with a smile.
"Hey [Y/N]? Do you think i could borrow the keys? I want to go take Luke out for breakfast" Arzaylea says.
"Oh... I didn't realize you were cooking.. Never mind." She says with an awkward chuckle.
"No it's fine." You say with a smile as you toss her the keys.
"Thanks!" She says with a smile as she turns around and skips off back to the room her and Luke share.
"What was that?" Calum says with a nervous look on his face.
"Nothing, Just trying to start fresh yeah?" You say.
Calum just raises his eyebrows and takes another sip of his drink. Ashton walks out and you hand him a cup of coffee too.
"Thanks." He says with a yawn
"Who's all up?" Ash says as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Us, and Arzaylea, Luke should be up soon." You say.
"Could you round everyone up for breakfast ash?" You ask and he nods
"BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ashton yells as he walks around the house, You could here the groans and moans of sleepy people fill up the house and you shake your head rolling your eyes as you look over at Calum who's cracking up laughing.
"I could have done that." You say.
"So why didn't you?" Ashton says with a laugh and you throw a hand towel at his face making Calum laugh even more.
Ashton sticks his tongue out at you and you jump towards him like you were about to chase him and he runs off, Making Calum laugh so hard you were sure he was going to fall out of his chair.
Everyone eventually gathered around the table to eat, beside Luke and Arzaylea who had left just a few minutes before, for their breakfast date, Everyone thanked you and began eating as they all chatted about what they were going to do that day.
Calum's phone buzzed on the table, He grabbed it and his smile fades as he seems to read something.
"What's up Cal?" Ash asks, Calum hands you the phone
You looked at the phone and the first thing you see is:
"Calum Hood and [Y/N] expecting a baby?"
"What is it?" Mali asks
"Just stupid rumors." Calum says as he picks his plate up and walks off to the kitchen sink with it.
"Well what is it?" Mikey says as he walks over to you, You try and hide the phone but he gabs it just in time. His eyes go big and he looks at you for a second...
"Are you?" He asks.
"Are you what?" Mali asks.
"She's not." Calum says.
"Not what?!" Mali, Ashton and Bry all say in unison.
"Pregnant." Mikey says
"PREGNANT?!" They all yell in unison once again
"NOT Pregnant." You say.

You looked over at Calum who was beginning to look pretty upset and annoyed.
"[Y/N]... Is that a real pregnancy test in your hand though?" Ashton asks, you realized he had the same article up on his phone now, In the article was a picture of you at the store buying the test.
"And why is Luke with you?" Mikey asks.
"Yes it was a real test. And i don't really know why Luke was with me to be honest.." You say, Looking over at Calum who still seemed pissed at the fact that Luke knew before him.
"Wait... Is Luke the father?" Mikey asks..
"I. AM. NOT. PREGNANT!!" You say once more
"I was only joking.." Mikey says with a sad look on his face as he walks off.
"Can we please just stop talking about it?" Calum asks You just look at him and he takes his phone away from you.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." He says.
"Want me to join?" You ask.
"No." He says point blank as he walks off.
You got up and followed him into the room, He ignored you but you weren't going to leave him alone, he was bothered by something and you were going to find out what it was. You leaned against the wall, watching him undress through the reflection of the bathroom mirror, He climbed in and shut the shower door.
"Can i please shower in peace?" He asks.
"No." You say blankly as you toss your shirt to the ground, You got fully undressed and climbed in with him.
He let out a sigh and crossed his arms, Raising an eyebrow as he stands there staring at you, And you did the exact same, mocking his every move, He let another sigh as he unfolded his arms.
"What?" He asks.
"I don't know you tell me." You say.
"Why are you so upset?" You ask.
"I'm not." He says
"Do you want to have sex? Will that make you feel better?" You ask, Jokingly but he didn't find it very funny.
"What?" You ask again as you step closer to him, Resting your hands on his sides.
"Don't." He says as he moves your hands off him and takes a step back. You just look down at the floor, Feeling a bit embarressed and confused and weird, Calums never been weird about you joking about sex or trying to make the first move so you felt a bit unwanted.
"Sorry... I just, I still feel a bit freaked out." He says, trying not to make eye contact with you.
"About what?" You ask.
He just stood there, You could tell even he felt stupid about what he wanted to say.
"The false pregnancy?" You ask, He didn't say anything but you knew that's what he was talking about.
"So i can't touch you because of that?" You ask with a scoff.
"News flash, You can't get pregnant that way." You say as you climb out of the shower.
You grabbed a towel and walked back out to the room, Slamming the door behind you.

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