Part 13

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"It was probably just some random chick that was hanging out with him, Don't blow it out of proportion." Matt says as he sits at the table across from you.
"Yeah, Maybe it was just some girl that found his phone or something." Jenny says. You just sit there trying to think of all the reasons as to why this woman answered his phone and who exactly she was. Your phone buzzes on the table, 'Ash' pops up on your phone.
"Hey Ashton." You say.
"Hey little one, I'm still in LA, I'm leaving tomorrow night to go back home, I was wondering if we could have dinner tonight before i leave tomorrow, Just the two of us?" He says.
"Yeah, Sure what time?" You ask.
"I'll be there to pick you up around 6:00pm." He says.
"Yeah, Okay sounds good." You say.
"Great, I'll see you then. Love ya." He says as he hangs up.
"What'd he want?" Matt asks.
"He wants to go to dinner tonight." You say
"Maybe you ask him if he knows anything about the mystery girl." jenny says as she sits down, Joining you and Matt at the kitchen table.


You sat across from Ash, Waiting for the food to be brought to the both of you, You both talked about Luke and Michael and Bry, And other random things. You asked if he was excited to go back home tomorrow, He was.
"So what was the real reason you brought me out tonight?" You ask as you take a sip of your drink.
"I've missed you, I can't take one of my best mates out for dinner?" He asks with a smile and you raised an eyebrow.

"It's only been like a week since i've last seen you, You couldn't have missed me that much." You say
"Okay fine, I'm here to try and get you to come back to Aus with me." He says.
"Why?" You ask
"Because whatever the hell is going on with you and Calum needs to be sorted out." He says and you roll you eyes.
"Ashton-" You begin
"[Y/N]." he says cutting you off and you let out a sigh.
"Why is our relationship so important to you?" You ask, Just as you ask that the waiter comes over with your food, You and Ash give him a smile and continue the conversation once he left.
"Because i love you. And i love Calum. He misses you." He says
"No he doesn't." You say
"Yeah, that's why he called me last night drunk off his ass, crying about you for an hour before he passed out."He says.
"Really? Because he called me too and it sounded like he had someone there to make it all better." You say as you lean back in your chair and cross your arms.
"What are you talking about? Who?" He asks.
"I don't know, Some woman answered the phone when i tried calling him back." you explain and Ashton laughs.
"That woman was the girlfriend of Calums friend. I talked to her as well she had Calum's phone because he wouldn't stop calling people last night and she was watching him" He explains.

"What? Were you actually worried that he would cheat on you?" Ash asks

"He would never do that. He loves you too much. Will you please come with me?" He adds

"Look Ash, Calum is pissed at me and i really doubt he wants to see me." You explain.
"Did you not just hear what i said? He was crying about you on the phone last night." He says.
"He was just drunk." You say
"Yeah, And most of the time when someone is drunk the truth comes out." He says

"Not that him loving you is a big secret or anything." He adds

"Look, You wanting a break isn't going to change how feels about you, yeah, He may be pissed and a little hurt, But at the end of the day he still loves you."
he adds.
"So will you please just go back to Aus with me?" He asks.

"Ashton's here." Jenny says in a tired voice and you nod your head as you grab your bag, Ashton was stood by the door with Matt, Jenny and Matt were nice enough to wake up early to say goodbye, you felt guilty for leaving and a bit annoyed, You wanted the break from Calum so you could go and live your own life for a bit, To see your friends and have some sort of normalcy back, so it was frustrating to know that you have to pack your things up and return to where you left off, Of course you missed Calum, And you wanted to be with him, You loved him more than anyone and anything on this earth, But sometimes being a part of the lifestyle he lives can be so exhausting. But you loved him and you knew that if you wanted to be with him you had to deal with the baggage he carried, You just hoped like hell he would want you back.

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