Chapter 3

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Wes Pov

"Hay is anybody home?" I yelled as I walked into the new hotel room Drew, Keaton, and I were staying at.

"In the living room!" I heard Drew say.

One of the best parts of our room is that it has glass walls so you can see out into the ocean for miles,watch how the city comes alive at night, and have the best view for the sunrise/sunset.

"Yo what up Wes?" Drew said as I walked into the room finding him just finishing up his meditation for the day.

"Nothing much. What have you been up to?"

"All right well I have gone up a level coming closer to having complete balance between my mind,body,and sole. My sense have also just informed me that you have had some coffee." He said with a smile coming across his face and his left eyebrow raised.

"You do know your suppose to drink it and not wear it right!"

"Ya I just thought I wanted to start a new trend." I said while trying to make out a smile.

"Okay man what ever you say, but what's the real reason?"

"Demi and me broke up. She dumped me this morning."

"Oh sorry to hear about that bro. So she dumped you then dumped coffee all over you? Sounds like she has no balance at all with her sole,mind,and body!" He said joking around.

"No she didn't dump the coffee on me psychopath coffee chick did."

"What!? Who would want to spill coffee on you man you're like a legend ever since...."

"List" I say showing him the CD.

"Wow man don't you think you have enough of those things you have like a billion in your room all over the place."

"But this one is from coffee chick along with her words that she no longer wants anything to do with me or the band ever again."

"Doesn't look like your trying to reach your goal of world peace anymore. But hay you got a hater who spills coffee on you whatever."

"Thanks mini Gondi how did you know!?"

"My senses are never wrong!" He said while doing martial arts moves " but seriously I'm sorry about you and Demi."

"It's ok it wasn't your fault we're still going to stay friends."

"Oh ya, that reminds me we need to go get ready to see our old friends at the X Factor reunion. Come on it'll be fun you me and Keaton three signal gentlemen out on the town with all the hot back up dancers from the show. Just like old times!"

"Fine I guess I could fit it into my busy schedule of being dumped on."

"That's the spirit I'm going to take a shower and you should do the same I smelled coffee as soon as you came into the room." He let out one last laugh as he walked away leaving me once again with my thoughts, stained coffee jacket,and a CD coffee chick didn't want.


ok ok it gets better just give it time. thank you again for reading and to clarify if you are not an emblem Drew is obsessed with like Gandhi and inner balance so if he seemed kinda weird because of the body soul thing thats just his personality . again LOVE YOU ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL CUPCAKES YOU GUYS!!!!<3

~*~ tAyLoR

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