chapter 24

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Taylor Pov

The tears just came, my heart started to pound, and my hands were shaking.

"Hay it's going to be ok." Wesley reach his hand out and pushed back a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"No it's NOT!" I yelled still trying to understand Karen wouldn't be in my life anyone.

"She's gone Wesley, and she's never coming back!"

The tears kept coming and I didn't even bother to whip them as they rolled down my cheeks. I took my hand away from Wesley's and hid my face. My breaths were short and fast I could feel myself getting light headed. That's when Wesley sat on my bed and wrapped me in his arms. I just cried I couldn't do anything, I was weak, scared, and afraid. I buried my face into his chest listening to the beating of his heart trying to breath normally again. He just sat there stroking his hand against the back of my head not caring that I was smearing makeup all over his shirt.

Wes Pov

We just sat there in her bed for a couple hours until her last tear rolled down her face and fell.

"Wesley, I-I" her eyes started to fill up with tears again.

"Hay it's ok. It wasn't your fault." I was talking in a whisper looking down at her puffy eyes and red face. She snuggled her head back down into my chest and took in along breath. I didn't know how I was going to tell her about Drew. Looking at the state she was in I just couldn't tell her. I just let her lay in my arms where she seamed safest from all the horrible things that were part of her life.

" Wesley, thank you."

She sat up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Her lips stayed on my cheek for only a second, but I will never forget that moment. My hands turned a little clammy, my heart was beating fast, and a chill went up my spine. She then turned away from me and sat up in the bed fixing her hair into a messy ponytail, and standing up. The hospital gown was slowly starting to come undone as she stood up, revealing her back. I felt my eyes wander down her figure before she quickly turned around noticing the gown falling off. I smiled at her then turned allowing her to tie the gown back up. When she was finished she walked to the widow sitting down in one of the chairs I used for a bed last night. She took another deep breath and swallowed.

"Is Drew alright?" She kept her eyes looking out the window.

"No he went after Karen and the water was to cold." I stepped off the bed to join her. She didn't even turn her head she just kept staring out the window.

"So he's..."

"No no he's not dead, but came pretty close. The water was so cold that he got hypothermia." Taylor turned to face me covering her mouth starting to have a glossy look in her eyes.

"Where is he now?"

"He's in this hospital being taken care of right now. We can go visit him if you want. I know what room he's in."

"Yes I'd like that." She stood up looking one last time out of the window and grabbing my hand so I could lead her to Drew.


Hiiiiiiii I'm back :0

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