Chapter 19

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Drew Pov

Wes will never understand! He will never know how hard it is to say good bye, to watch the girl of your dreams slip through your fingers, and watch a tear slowly falling down her face and not being able to wipe it away. He will never understand the way she makes me feel inside, her personality,or her hopes and dreams. He will never understand how she changed my life,and how I changed her. I love her with every piece of my being. I loved her before the mistake and after the mistake, and I still love her now and forever. Wesley will never understand.

Wes Pov

I don't understand! I don't understand how Drew can just be so cool with taking advantage of Taylor like that. He knows she can't remember the break up, and if he really loved her like he says he does he would have told her.

I stare out into the ocean. Watching the seagulls dive into the water catching fish,a couple of suffers coming in from a day of shredding waves,and the sun starting to set. Everything is so calm and beautiful it makes me forget about everything that is going on in my life. I walk towards the water's edge and let the waves crash against my toes. I take one last deep breath, turn around, and head off to the party.

I go over to grab a drink and see Taylor looking around.

"What are you looking for? Cuz that's all the beer we got."

She looked up at me with a smile pulling two beers out.

"Do you by chance have any water?"she said handing me one.

"Um don't you want to drink that first?"

"Oh no this is for Karen. I'm not allowed to drink."

"Neither is Karen or like half the people here!" I said laughing a little.

She just looked at me thinking about what to say next.

"Hay Tay! Thanks for grabbing me one." Karen came between us and grabbed the beer out of her hands. Taylor let out a sigh and a smile knowing that she didn't have to answer me anymore.

"Oh and Karen this is Wesley! He's one of Drew's friends." Karen turned to face me and acted as though nothing had never happened between us last summer.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Karen!" She smiled at me and gave me a wink to play along.

"Nice to meet you to. You got a date tonight or has he already left you?" I gave her a smile as I watch her expression change with rage.

"Ya I do actually!" She had her eyes locked with mine her tone rising "Tay, why don't we go find him?"

"Sure ok." She looked a little confused but went with it.

"I'll see you guys around then?" Taylor looked back at me and smiled. Karen just kept walking.

Taylor Pov

"Karen what's wrong?" She had that look in her eye that something was ticking her off. Let's just say when you see her like that you better get out of her way. I've been friends with her long enough to know.

"Nothing I just can't stand that guy!" She was starting to yell. I ran in front of her causing her to stop walking and looked her in the eyes, that scared me a little to this day.

"Karen calm down! Take a deep breath. And let it out." She did as I said and started to calm down the flame in her eyes had vanished.

"Ok so why can't you stand him you just met?"

"He just seems like an ass!"

"And why is that he has been nice to me all day."

"I don't know I think he's one of those guys who wants only one thing,and when he gets it he'll just leave you. Won't answer your calls anymore,won't tell you what you did wrong, and won't remember who you are!" She started to freak out but then quickly took a deep breath and calmed down again.

"How do you know that? It's not like you guys ever went out or anything. I've known all your boyfriends since you started dating Cody in sixth grade!"

"Ew! Don't remind me! That guy was a total freak." She took a sip of her beer before she kept going. "Anyways whatever I just think he's that type if guy that's all."

"Whatever you say. I still can't believe you went out with Cody!" We both laughed, linked arms, and thought about the ugly braced face/glasses wearing/ computer nerd Cody.


that's all my cupcakes! LOVE YOU ALL AND DON"T EAT UNCOOKED T-SHIRTS!!!!

~*~ TAYLor

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