Chapter 7

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Alfred followed after Arthur diligently, the confidence the Brit carried with him through the corridors, giving zero fucks about the people gawking at him. It was amazing and Alfred felt a bit jealous.

Sure, he had confidence in his looks but he didn't think he would look good in a dress. Even less wearing one around school, just imagining was embarrassing.

It looked so good on Arthur, though.

He couldn't take his eyes of him.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw some people, whispering, snickering, but most only stared as they passed by. Alfred wanted to hit them; he glared at them for even just staring at Arthur the wrong way.

His quickened his pace and walked alongside Arthur. This was insane. Everyone was looking the Brit up and down; it was making him horribly jealous. He wanted to grab the Brit, run to the nearest empty classroom and, and, and—! Do some things...

This was too much temptation. Arthur Kirkland. Arthur wearing his jacket. Arthur wearing his jacket as a dress.

He bit his bottom lip; his hands itched to grab the other. Really, this was ridiculous! Were the BTT trying to make him snap, grab the Brit and have sex at school (or something along those lines)?!

Alfred had to calm the fuck down; it was getting out of hand. When he was close to the Brit his mind just didn't seem to work, logically at least.

Arthur made him become like some kind of unconscious beast.

By the end of the school day Alfred would probably go insane. Or snap and attack Arthur (which he hoped wouldn't happen).

"Oh, my gosh, Arthur, you look so cute! Is that Alfred's jacket?! Oh, my God, it is! I'm so proud of you, Arthur!" The Hungarian squealed much too loudly as they neared the door to the classroom.

"Why thank you, Elizabeta..." The duo started talking about something to which Alfred completely zoned out.

He should go buy something to eat, to distract himself a bit from Arthur. Maybe he could find the BTT and make them give back Arthur's clothes.

"Elizabeta, where's Gilbert?" The girl stopped talking and directed his gaze to him with a small smile that Alfred considered more a subtle smirk.

"I don't know. He's... around here... somewhere." She shrugged and went back to talking with Arthur about... Alfred stopped to listen for a bit: Clothes? Shopping?

Gods, if the Brit started coming to school with clothes like this Alfred wouldn't be able take it anymore!

"I'm going to buy something to eat..." He informed, but doubted any of them had heard him.


Sorry for not updating yesterday! I got a bit busy.....

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