Chapter 13

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The Brit smiled with red tinted cheeks and Alfred felt his heart skip a beat and cursed himself inwardly. He was supposed to be mad at the Brit! His feelings had to go away right now!

"I'm sorry, Alfred." Arthur spoke softly and truthfully, his hands cradled Alfred's cheeks and caressed them, "I... I actually didn't know you liked me..." The Brit blushed even more at that and Alfred felt a rush of blood streaming into his own cheeks because, it seemed, he just confessed to his crush in the worst way he could imagine right now.

"Y-You didn't—...? Haha... Funny, huh... Ha..." He laughed awkwardly, and silently wished that the floor would swallow him right now.

Arthur shook his head before chuckling, "Well, to tell the truth, the BTT said some things hinting that you liked me but I didn't believe it. They came up with a ridiculous plan to make me believe it then..."

The little engines in Alfred's brain were working again...

"They planned all this and I went along with it like a fool. Bloody Francis and his bloody manipulation skills..." He growled shifting a bit on the floor, "Alfred, I'm sorry, but... I do not regret this... situation." Arthur's lips curled upwards into a smirk and Alfred blinked.

"You don't? I just fucking yelled at you and shit." Alfred raised an eyebrow and Arthur shrugged.

"No, I don't— Wait, actually the yelling part wasn't good at all, you're an imbecile!" He complained with a frown, but then his expression softened, "But... W-Well, I understand why you were angry. I think I would have been too..."

"Yeah, you would, and you would have given me hell if this thing had been reversed!" Alfred interjected and received a glare in return for interrupting the Brit.

Arthur cleared his throat, "The point is that now I know you like me," He nodded to himself and then, "... and maybe even— love me?" He said in an inquisitive and hopeful tone, and smiled. Alfred felt a knot form in his throat, both of his eyebrows raising.

Now he really had to wonder, did Arthur actually like him back?

He gazed at Arthur, "So...?" Alfred started but trailed off, which was no good! It was now or never! "Do you like me?!" Oh, he hated how squeaky and eager his voice had sounded. Just another embarrassment on top of another.

The Brit flushed red like a tomato, sputtering a great amount of words (that Alfred didn't even understood and which he dubbed the 'Tsundere speech') for a few moments, before settling on, "Y-Yes, you bloody git!"

Alfred felt like something had been lifted off his shoulders at hearing those words and he didn't know what to say. It seemed like one of his dreams. Was this real life or was this just fantasy?

"Are you serious?" He had to ask of course, just to be sure.

Arthur rolled his eyes but nodded his head, "Yes, Alfred, I like you. Or would you prefer for me to say that I love you?" The Brit smirked and this time Alfred rolled his eyes, although he couldn't stop the smile tugging at his lips.

Really, it all seemed so simple now. And yet they had been dancing around each other for months. Alfred felt a bit ashamed of himself and chuckled sheepishly.

"What are you laughing about?"

Alfred gazed at him and leaned down kissing the other softly, because now that he could, he wouldn't stop so early. Class be damned. "It just seems all a bit stupid now. I mean, so much drama and all, but in the end it's all a matter of communication, ya know?"

Arthur stared at him wide eyed, "That sounds... unbelievably intelligent of you."

Alfred frowned at him; the Brit had just called him dumb indirectly! Nope, a hero like Alfred was anything but dumb!

"Artie, that sounds mean!" He whined and then narrowed his eyes, smirking, "The Hero will now give you a punishment!"

Arthur raised an eyebrow and snorted, "Punishment?" Alfred nodded and the Brit's expression became coy, green half-lidded eyes staring at him with something akin to desire, "What kind of punishment?"

Oh, damn, if that tone of voice wasn't one of the best things Alfred had heard in his entire life. He licked his lips and watched as the Brit bit his own bottom lip, "Well," He drawled, "I was thinking of kissing you senseless, until I'm satisfied."

"Mm..." The Brit hummed, "Kissing is only allowed after the third date, love."

Alfred gaped at him. What?! But they had kissed only moments ago! Alfred was calling bullshit on this!

"That's not fair! You're lying! You kissed me!" He protested sounding too much like a child whose favourite toy was taken away suddenly, because it had. Of course, Arthur wasn't an actual toy, but—! Alfred wanted to play with him for a bit!

The Brit chuckled and shook his head, "All right, all right, I'll make an exception, but you have to take me on a date after school." He decided and Alfred wasn't going to complain at all.

Rather, he was cheering inwardly right now! He was going on a date with Arthur! Arthur Kirkland! His heart was beating so fast and loud he thought the Brit could hear him.

Thus, with that in mind, he leaned down to kiss the Brit. Although, he did have to later remind himself of thanking the BTT.

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