Nothing to Lose(24)

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Selena POV

I was beyond pissed who the fuck do they think they are taking the one thing I find precious to me.... Well five things if you add the boys... Well I guess I will... Let me start again... Who the fuck do they think they are taking the five things that are worth my life!

I got changed into dark ripped jeans, a black thin strapped belly top, and some black converse. I did dark make up and left my hair down.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys, i jumped into my car before driving to the abandoned warehouse.


When i arrived i quickly ran into the warehouse and was automatically having gun pointed at me.

Rolling my eyes i grabbed my gun and pointed at them shooting the men in their arms and legs... I didn't kill them... No i am still against killing.

I walked through the hallways trying to find the boys before stumbling into the last room. There they were my five boys tied up and beaten... The devils were there as well...

They all looked up when they herd the door open... Tobias and Justin smirked. Dickheads.

While the boys were looking at me shocked.

"Selena! What are you doing here?!" Zayn asked, but was punched.

"Don't fucking touch him." I spat walking closer to them.

"Awee, the princess is here." Tobias mocked walking up to me and pulling my body up to his.

"Fuck you." I spoke.

"Uh hu, i wouldn't say that we can kill your boys within seconds." Justin spoke.

"What do you guys want?" I spoke pushing Tobias away from me.

"Well, we want you dead... But since we needed you here.... We took them knowing how close and precious they are to you!" Tobias spoke smirking.

"Let them go you fucking dicks." I spat walking towards the boys.

"Fine, one condition." They spoke.

"Which is?" I questioned while untying Louis hands.

"You have to stay with us." Justin smirked.

"No! No fucking way!" The boys exclaimed.

"Okay fine i will."

"Selena!" Zayn shouted.

"Shuddup Zayn, i love you." I spoke kissing him on the lips briefly.

"Okay, take them out!" Tobias yelled.

"No! Im not leaving without you!" The boys exclaimed.

I looked away knowing it will be hard to let them leave if i look at them.

After a few minutes of struggling they were taken away... I sighed knowing that will be the last time i see them.

"Don't be sad... You have us now!" Justin smirked, putting his arm around his shoulder.

I pushed his arm away... Before spitting on his face. He slapped me after wiping it away.

"You lil bitch!" He snarled.

"Fuck you!" I spat back.

"Oh you are so in for it now!" Justin spoke and rose his hand to slap me but a hand came up and caught it.

I looked up seeing Zayn and the boys. My heart fluttered knowing they cane back for me..

They were beating Tobias and Justin up. For me. I grabbed my gun from my boot and shot them in their chests twice... And walked away.


The boys ran after me... Checking if i was okay. I was i was fine. But they were not fine. Because of me.

Its my fault. I couldn't help them. I couldn't warn them about the two dicks.

I was pulled around and attacked into a hug... It was Zayn he was mumbling something which i couldn't understand.

I looked up to see the boys happier. I knew what i had to do. I had to leave. I couldn't put these boys in anymore risk. I couldn't put my loved ones in danger. I couldn't.

Taking a deep breath i looked up and spoke...

"Boys, i need to talk to you guys."

"Yeah, whats up?" Niall asked.

"I've decided to leave. I cant put you guys in anymore risk. I love you all too much! It hurts me knowing I'm the cause that your in danger."

"No, Selena. We can work this out. Don't leave please." Zayn begged... Tears pouring out of his eyes.

My heart broke but i know this is the right thing to do... I looked up at the other boys and they were crying as well.

"Im sorry boys. I can't. Im sorry. Maybe we will meet again sometime. But for now i have to go." I spoke my voice breaking.

I gave them all hugs and kisses on the cheek... Before turning to my car... I was about to get in when i heard my name.

"Selena?" I turned around and looked at the boys.

"We love you." They spoke in unison with tears pouring down their face.

"I love you guys too." I spoke with tears pouring down my face as well.

I gave them all one last wave before getting into my car and driving off. My heart ached. Knowing that u was the reason again that they were hurt.

I love them. I have to do this to keep them safe. Maybe we will meet again later in life. But for now. Im leaving.

Bye boys, i love you.

Bye Zayn, i love you always.

Heyy babes! How are you all?
Im good sorry for the late update.

This is officially the end of Nothing to Lose! Thank you all for your love and support!

I will not be making a sequel. Let me repeat there will be NO sequel! And no you can not make the sequel. You can not copy my book into different languages. It is illegal for you to do so.

Anyway i am planning to do a new book... Harlena one! Would you read it? Comment here if you would!

I totally forgot. HAPPY NEW YEAR BABES!!

Anywayyy, tell me what you think of this chapter!

Until next time

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Love Y'all

-sellyslays xx


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