Nothing to Lose (1)

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Selena POV

Today's the day. Today is the anniversary of my mother's death. She's been out of my life for 12 years. She died when I was 5. She was driving home from her job at the hospital when a drunk driver hit her side of the car. Her name was Marie. Her name is my middle name. Selena Marie Gomez.

I live with my dad in an apartment. It's not small but it's not big. It's suitable. My dad works in accounting for a car dealership. He makes really good pay.

"All about the bass, all about the bass, all ab-"

The sound interrupts my thoughts as I realize that today is Monday and I have to start school. I quickly hit my palm with the snooze button hopping that my dad didn't hear. But sadly, that's not the case.

It's my first day at a new school. I used to live in Texas but my dad's job transferred him to England. It's a weird change but amazing.

"Selena get up! I heard your alarm! Don't try young lady." He yells. I groan as i sit up in my bed. "Okay dad I'm getting up" I yell back. I love my dad to death. He's all I have left and he's understanding. He's always there for me. I can always count on him.

After getting up i went and had a shower. The warm water waking me up fully. Once i finished my shower and put on my undergarments then head over to my closet to choose my outfit for the day. i needed to look good since it was a new school. First impression is everything. I put on blue skinny jeans that had small rips with a cream top that had black sewed designs on with a grey small button up blazer to top it all off i put on some black heels. I decided to put on some make up. I put on basic make up like eye liquid, mascara and nude lip gloss and as for my hair i left it down leaving it in its natural curls. Satisfied with my look i walked downstairs to see my dad making pancakes

"Morning daddy" I say to him as I hug my from the side as he places a plate of pancakes on the table among with orange juice. "Morning Sel" He responds as he hugs me back. "Ready for your first day?" He asks as we both sit down at the table. "I guess. I'm a little nervous." I say truthfully as I cut into my pancakes. "Well your an amazing girl. I'm sure you'll make friends easily." He says with a positive.

I finished my breakfast and kissed my dad on the cheek and say goodbye. I walk out to our driveway and head to my Ferrari that my father got me last year for my 16th birthday. He likes to spoil me but I buy most of my stuff on my own.

I got in my car and put in the address of my new school in my GPS and drove off. It took at least 15 minutes to get there. When i arrived i saw everyone looking and i mean everyone looking at my car. I found a empty car space and parked my car then i got out and locked my car. I started walking to the office ignoring everyones stare when i got to the office i saw a lady i think she was in her late 30s

"Hello sweetheart" She says in a kind voice. "Hello mrs.." I start of but stop because I don't know her name. "Oh sorry dear its Lobo." She says. "Okay hello mrs Lobo. Ive come to get my schedule since I'm new" I say nervously. "Oh okay dear you must be Selena Gomez?" She says with realization in her tone. "Yes i am" I say confidently. "Here you are sweetheart have a nice day" she says handing me a piece of paper. "Thank you, you too" I say politely as I take the paper and walk out.

When I walk out I go looking for my locker and when i finally reached my locker i saw the locker next to it was open. I guess someone has that locker. I opened my locker and got my books out of my backpack and put it in. When i closed my i saw the girl standing by the locker next to me looking at me

"Hi im Eleanor" she says sticking her had out. "Hi I'm Selena" I say shaking her hand. "Cool. Can i see your schedule?" She ask. "Um. Yeah sure" I say handing her my schedule.
"Aww we only got last period together" she says as she puts her lips. "Aww don't worry I'm pretty sure we will be really good friends" I say all smiling because I made my first friend. "Okay i got to go. Oh heres my number. Text me." She says handing me a white slip of paper. "See you later." she says. "Yeah okay." I reply with.

With that she left and then the bell went. 'Great. Late on the first day.' I thought and closed my looker and hope to find B3 soon. But as soon as I turn around and walk away from my locker I bump into someone. I looked up to see a boy with dark brown eyes and raven colored hair put in a quiff. I looked at my shoes with my checks turning fifty shades of red.

"I am so sorry." I say nervously."Its okay just be carful next time." His raspy voice says. And with that he just walked away. I looked up to see the back of his body and I see some tattoos. I never really liked tattoos that much but seeing that guy with tattoos didn't seem to bother me. He turned his head around and faced me. He winks his left eye at me then turns his head back around and continues walking.

Oh my!

As soon as I got out of my little daydream I remembered that I still need to get to class. So I continue walking in search for B3. Lucky it was only 5 doors from where I was standing. When I opened the door all eyes were directed to me. Making me feel uncomfortable. "I am so sorry i am late. I didn't know where this class was." I explain to the white haired man standing behind a brown desk as he looks at me. He's probably the teacher. "Its okay. What's your name?" He asks. "Um. Gomez. Selena Gomez." I say nervously while fixing the strap of my backpack on my shoulder. "Right. The new girl. Well have a seat at that empty chair in the back." He says pointing to the desk in the back. I just nod and move swiftly to the empty desk.

Few minutes after I take my seat the classroom door opens and in stepped the same boy i bumped into in the hallway earlier.

"Your late again Zayn!" The teacher says disappointedly. "When aren't i?" The boy, whose name is Zayn I guess, says sarcastically. "Just sit down so we can get started." The teacher says looking down at a piece of paper on his desk.

He makes his way towards the back, where I am located and takes a seat at the empty desk beside me. "Hey love." He says, giving me a wink.

My cheeks start to blush and a heard him laugh as I look at my desk. I just take out my notebook and pen that was in my backpack and start writing whatever the teacher was writing on the chalk board.

The Zayn boy is hot. There is no denying it but I need to focus on school. Not boys. Plus he seems like the bad boy type and I don't want my first boyfriend to be a bad boy and have a change to break my heart.

So I think I'll keep my distance from him....

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