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Adam's POV

We both ran to south, and we just barley made it. The teacher was ready to lock our stuff in the class.

What's wrong with highschool teachers? I thought.

She noticed us and opened the door.

"Thanks guys" she said as we both got our stuff and bolted out of the room. We ran across the school to the fields. Eager to hang out, we continued sprinting to a net. But once we got close enough we saw that there were already people there. The people were my friends.

I looked over at Anna. We both knew what my friends would start saying if they saw us together. We're just hanging out, but they would go and assume stuff. So we both turned around and awkwardly walked away.

"Well now what?" She asked. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she thought I'd leave her alone and go with my friends. But I wouldn't, I already said we'd hang out and bailing on her would've been so rude.

"Why don't we go to Starbucks?" I asked her. "I'll buy you something" I offered. But if I didn't have enough money we'd probably have to share... or maybe I'll just let her have it all. I smiled at the thought.

"Okay sure, how about we put out stuff in our lockers and go?" She asked. I agreed. We made our way to her locker and just stuffed all our stuff in it. Then we started walking to Starbucks. It wasn't that far. And for two athletes, it shouldn't be that hard getting there.

Anna was a really nice girl. I'm actually glad I became friends with her. So many girls are so creepy when it comes to me. They stalk me, create fake accounts just to talk to me! It's pretty weird. Anna is the first girl who doesn't do that. As we were walking I saw one of those girls. One of the girls who have a major, like major crush on me. I panicked.

"Anna" I said.

"Yeah?" She replied

"Look" I said as I pointed to the girl. She had blonde hair, blue eyes. Pretty typical. Anna already knew all about those girls and their obsessions. So I didn't have to explain anything.

"Hold my hand" I said

"What why" she began. But I panicked as we got closer to her. I think her name is Sarah, I don't really know. But I grabbed Anna's hand.

"I'm holding your hand cause I want her to think I'm taken so she'll leave me alone" I whispered to Anna. She nodded her head in agreement. And right as she nodded her head, Sarah noticed us. Immediately she threw a death glare at Anna. But then I let go of her hand, and instead put my arm around her.

"Just ignore her and keep walking" I whispered to Anna, as I death glared Sarah. She agreed. We sped past her, but she kept looking at us. Once we made it to Starbucks Sarah finally calmed down.

"Thanks" I said as I removed my arm from over her shoulder.

"No problem, I'd say I get it, but to be honest I don't" she laughed "not many guys like me... but I learnt not to care" she said. I liked that, a girl who didn't care how many guys liked her.

"That's actually really good" I said as we walked up to order "what do you want?" I asked her.

"Um I don't know... Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino?" She asked. It was expensive so I bought one big one to share.

"I hope you don't mind, we'll have to share" I said. I hope she didn't mind, although she never really did unless it was an actual problem. Another thing I like about her! She doesn't over react.

We got our frap and put two straws in it. We both went to a table and sat down. 40 minutes left of lunch. I took the first sip, it got a little awkward so I decided to try and start an conversation because Anna usually starts all the conversations.

"So you're not gunna take a sip?" I began "Nah that's fine I'll take it all for myself" I said as I smirked and pushed it towards her.

"Oh Adam" she sighed as she took a sip. "Wanna get back to school?" She asked.

"We have 40 minutes though" I replied.

"Well maybe your friends are gone" she suggested. My friends don't usually play for that long anyway so I agreed to go back.

"If we see Sarah again.." I began, but Anna already agreed. So we both got up and made our way out of Starbucks. As we exited, I saw Liam. Liam. Great. It always seemed like Liam had a crush on Anna, but then he goes and dates some other girl. He walked past us and eyed her up and down. I hid our two straws. Liam out of everyone would be the one to start up rumours. We passed him and started walking faster.

"He's so confusing" Anna said

"I know" I began "I honestly thought he liked you, it really seemed like he liked you. But now he's dating... Hayden?" I asked.

"Yeah" she nodded as if she really didn't care.

We made our way back and as we predicted, all my friends left.

"Get your ball" she said smiling. I ran to her locker to get my ball. She gave me her combo and I also got our cleats and her goalkeeper gloves.

I ran back. "Lace 'em up" I said, out of breath. And I threw her cleats and gloves beside her and smiled. She smiled back and put them on.

"Let's play" she smiled as she ran to the net.

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