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Anna's POV

"Hello Anna" Zidane began, "I've seen you playing today, and I would like you to come to practice with us next week"

My jaw, and Adam's dropped as he walked from behind Zidane to beside me.

"But..." I began "the last save... I didn't save it, and my kicks..."

"Yes, you didn't, but I can teach you. I see the potential in you and your kicks can easily be improved . And you're 16?" He asked.


"Ok, so I will actually need your mother's approval, so is she here?" Zidane asked.

"Yeah I think, I can call her" I said. Zidane nodded

I called my mom as Adam and Zidane watched. I told her that Zidane was here for her, she said she was on her way. About 2 minutes later she was here.

"Um hi mom, Zidane" I said.

"Hello" Zidane said as he reached his hand out to shake hands with my mom.

They told Adam and I to go and do whatever, because they would take a while, talking.

Adam and I walked downstairs, away from the bleachers.


"I know!"



We both started screaming and cheering happily. But I was rather disappointed in myself. I know I'd learn... but still. It was shocking how he wanted me to be on the team... was he just choosing me because he needed someone quick?

Adam snapped me out of my thoughts, "Anna? Annaaaaa? You good?" He asked.

"Um yeah, I was just wondering why Zidane chose me...like did he need someone desperately?"

"Oh Anna, no, no, no, no, I was talking to him during ur tryout. He was talking a lot about how he saw potential in you. Something about how he has many other choices, but it felt as if they had nothing else to learn, so he couldn't teach them his way. Whereas you, you had some stuff to learn and he felt that if he taught you it first, you'd be better than the others" he said.

"Oh? Well... I guess. That does make sense. Maybe I should just be happy he wants me" I smiled.

"Yeah, and you get to train with Ronaldo! And Bale! And James!" Adam started acting like a crazy fanboy. And I guess, it makes sense.

Both of us decided to walk around. It would probably be a while Zidane and my mom talk.

We walked to a kids game, and decided to watch, I saw my first soccer coach there, he waved to me and came over.

"Look" I whispered to Adam.

"That's Brandon right?" He asked.

"Yeah, come on" I said, pulling Adam along.

Brandon finally made it to us.

"Hey Anna, it's been so long! Are you still playing soccer?"

"Yeah, um actually... I just made a new team" I smiled.

"Yeah, a professional team" Adam added.

"Professional?" Brandon asked with a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah... I don't want to make a big fuss about it but yeah, have you ever heard of Real Madrid?" I asked.

A smile grew on his face, "Real Madrid? As in the men's football club??"

"Yeah" Adam answered for me.

"Oh. My. God!!!" Brandon screamed.

We both sushed him.

"Brandon! Shhhhh I don't want everyone to know" I said.

He looked confused, but he agreed. The three of us walked up to the bleachers of field A, which was the opposite of where Zidane was, on field D.

We sat up there and watched the kids play while we talked. Turns out Real Madrid will probably practice here and at whichever place I feel best suits me. Because they want their new player to actually like the team. Shockingly.

After talking for what felt like half an hour, Brandon had to get back to work so Adam and I made our way back to the bleachers on field D.

Zidane and my mom were still talking.

"Oh hello" Zidane began.

"Anna, as you know you've made the team. I know it seems shocking as I've only seen you play once, but we're on a deadline here and we need our new player ASAP." He said and I nodded "so practices will be on this field when it gets too cold to play outside, and for the warmer days, just so it's easier for you, we'll practice after school on one of your schools fields. Good?" He asked.

"Good" I replied with a smile.

"Than that's it, I'll see you tomorrow after school to give you your uniform package" and with that, Zidane was off.

All of us said goodbye as he left and not too long after, so did we.

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