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Anna's POV

I walked into practice, this is the one practice where if I do good or bad actually determines where I will go. I was one of the first. Like always. My coach waved to me, well the coach that I actually liked. John. I went into the changeroom to get changed and was out very quickly. I was one of thee first out, so I got a ball and practiced some tricks.

I looked up at the stands and saw Zidane. And a bunch of other people. I also saw Enrique. What is barça's coach here!

I started my keep ups first. But I already messed up. And right when I messed up someone got up and left. Enrique. Wow. Zidane stayed, and I noticed Adam now beside him. I tried again and this time I got the ball up so I was able to start my tricks.

I'm actually so glad that Adam kept Zidane from leaving, although, I don't think he would. He's not that quick at judging a player. Besides, he needs at least one girl from 16-18 to play, or else Real Madrid can't play. I guess Enrique was quick to judge, or maybe he just didn't want me. I don't know. All I know is that I have a chance with Zidane.

Thank you Adam

If I make it, he deserves full credit. More players came and practice was going to begin soon. I was the only goalkeeper on my team, so I guess I didn't have much competition, well until goalie training started.

We began by doing one passing drills, then some possession games. I actually did pretty good. We played a scrimmage, but I didn't go in net. Zidane would see me in net afterwards. Right now, it's all about my playing, outside of the net.

I got the ball many times, I was able to get past people really easily, and then shoot. Being a goalkeeper, I know the best places to shoot, and which are hardest. What made me look even better was the goalie for the other team. She was my teammate, but she didn't play goalkeeper as I said, I'm the only keeper on this team.

Before I knew it practice was finished, I saw Zidane get up, but sit back down after Adam told him something. He probably didn't know I had double training.

My goalie coach walked in, his name was also Adam, pretty frustrating. I call him Adam too, sometimes when I'm talking to them both it just gets confusing but oh well.

"Hey Anna, how was training?" He asked me.

"Pretty good actually" I laughed. "Look over at the bleachers" I said.

Adam looked over and saw Zidane. His jaw dropped.

"Is he getting girls for his team from here!?" Adam asked.

"Actually, surprisingly, just me. My friend got me hooked up with this, so all I got to do is impress him" I said.

"Ooooh, don't worry, I'll help you, and once u make the team, I deserve full credit" he laughed.

Adam was around 20, he was my youngest coach and the funniest.

Once again, I was the first. I got a ball and started my warm ups, when Adam told me the other girls would not be coming.

"So practice is canceled?" I asked, disappointed.

"No, oh no, Zidane is here for you! There is no way I'm ruining your chance! Now get in the net and show us what you got!" He said, in the most sassy tone he had.

I laughed and got in net. Right as I got in net he took a shot, I was out of place, out of balance, and just not ready. But I managed to save it because it wasn't too high up. That must've impressed Zidane, or at least I hope.

Adam took many more shots, and I managed to save them all. Then he paused.

"Time for the upper 90's shot" he paused, "you ready?"

I nodded my head, and he got ready to shoot. Adam took a few steps back.

Upper 90's saves are my weakness.
I thought. As Adam ran up to take his shot. Sweat trickled down my neck.

I can save this. I got this.

I nodded at Adam. He took the shot. Right into the upper right corner. I ran to save it, but I couldn't. I can't do upper 90 saves. Practice ended.

"Anna what happened?" Adam asked me.

"I... I don't know... I guess... I can't do upper 90 saves." I frowned."Can you teach me?" I asked.

"Of course, but, if you make it, I may not have time" he smiled.

"If" I replied.

I tried some kicks, they weren't all that good. So then I tried some drop kicks. I didn't know if I should've used my right or left so u used both

Overall, I feel like I failed that tryout.

And then, Adam had to go, we said bye and I walked up to the bleachers, only to bump into Zidane.

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